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"Why did I get detention too? I was trying to break you up!"

Blue said nothing on the way back to Zim's base. He limited to hearing Masouri's rambling and complaints about the hyooman's punishment system. Blue had to admit he agreed with him about that, though. Sitting in a room with nothing to do for three hours isn't exactly punishment-like.

He snarled in deep relief as he saw the familiar shape of Zim's base up ahead. Fury was curled up on the lawn until he saw them approach; he greeted Blue by rubbing his head against his arm, purring softly. Blue patted him in the neck and wordlessly entered the house to let himself fall onto the couch, exhausted, not noticing Bob was being squashed underneath him until he heard his annoyed voice.

"Hey, move aside! Ocupado!"

Blue didn't bother to reply. He had already dozed off. Bob mumbled under his breath and squirmed his way out from beneath the Kryvtor just as Foxtrot walked into the living room, a pint of grootbeer in one hand.

"Oh, you're back. How did detention go?" he asked.

"Mis Bitters had us sit in a chair for three hours straight. THREE HOURS!" Masouri shouted out of nowhere, his crest bristling as he shot Foxtrot a deep brown. "Of course, you'd know if you hadn't walked out on us when the coach dragged us to the principal's office!"

Foxtrot shrugged. "I would have gladly made you company, but someone had to update the base's security system and software since a certain AI is hopelessly awful at its job."

"I heard that, overgrown iguana!"

"Why don't you go bother Skoodge or something?"

Masouri didn't bother to argue. He was not really in the mood to deal with Foxtrot's rather immature arguments with the AI right now. With most of the sofa occupied by Blue and the remaining free edge taken by Bob, he went to the kitchen and sat in the nearest chair, dropping his head unto the table. Echo seemed to be testing out a portable gaming device while Ilk was helping GIR make waffles.

"Are you okay, Masouri?" Ilk inquired when she saw the tired-looking kryvtor close to falling asleep on top of the table. Masouri's only response was a guttural groan.

"Guess who made bacon!" GIR placed a pile of bacon straps on top of the table. He grabbed a handful and shoved it into his mouth with a goofy grin on his face.

Echo didn't distract herself from the console as he continued to gobble in the bacon. Foxtrot joined in shortly after when he felt the smell of (somewhat) fresh meat, but rather than going to the table he headed to the fridge and opened a pack of sausages.

About an hour later, Masouri was awoken by a piece of bacon landing on his head. "Hey, Masouri-lizard." He heard Zim say. Masouri shot him a groggy frown.

"Just Masouri is fine, you know!" he snapped.

"Whatever. Is your ship big and green with yellow eyes on the sides?"

"Yeah, why?"

Zim casually pointed towards the door with his thumb. "I think it was just dragged away by a traffic control drone of sorts."

"Whatever." Masouri's head dropped back to the table, trying to go back to sleep. The information didn't fully sink in until ten seconds later, after which Masouri instantly jumped off the table, unintentionally overturning it and knocking everyone around it down. "WHAT?!" He didn't even wait for an answer as he ran out of the house.

The rest of the group barely had time to go after him; in Echo's case, to pummel him for making her lose at the game. They followed him all the way to a park a few squares away, finding him in front of a large, empty spot where the Ibris once stood. Masouri had already lost it; he was running around the spot, hands gripping his head as he shrieked and hissed curses in Sobrekt. Echo rolled her eyes and placed her foot on his path, making him trip and fall flat-snout to the floor.

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