Chapter 4

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Toshinori had unleashed something he never should've touched, he had quickly realised.

Izuku was all over him while they were still at UA. He could hardly have a private meeting or lunch break with the boy without his hands somewhere on him. He kept it professional, even if it was Izuku's goal to get him as wound up as humanly possible, and he kept any soulmate related business to a minimum.

Meeting outside of UA or in the privacy of training spaces was even worse. Izuku would always stand too close, look for too long, touches lingering, hugging goodbye, pulling him down into a kiss whenever he wasn't expecting it. Toshinori tried to stop him, but the boy was on a mission and he feared he knew what the goal would be.

So when Izuku graduated, he ran out of excuses to hold him back. He tried, really, but with their bond between them, Izuku saw straight through his lies.

Adjusting to life with a soulmate was like finding who you actually are. Izuku often thought moving out and leaving his mother behind would be a difficult task. He'd been around her his whole life, though he supposed moving into UAs dorms had been a step in that direction.

This was different, though. This wasn't just UA, where he was surrounded by his friends and so busy with schoolwork he hardly even had a chance to miss his old life. No, this was a big step into his adult life. He was moving out.

Inko had made it known that he would be welcome whenever he wanted. That he didn't have to leave yet, if he wasn't ready. If he changed his mind and wanted to come home, she'd always have open arms.

Izuku was grateful, but he'd had to turn her offer down. Graduating UA, debuting as a hero; he needed to step out of his comfort zone more. And going straight to his soulmate was the only option.

Toshinori had been bashful when he offered, after his graduation. His apartment was closer to the agency Izuku would be working at, and it would give him a chance to get on his own two feet without relying on Inko. It was funny to Izuku, how he had completely skipped over the fact that they were soulmates. He would want nothing more than to wake up to him, fall asleep in his arms and cook breakfast for him. That's what they were for, to be there for each other.

Of course, Izuku had accepted the offer immediately and moved in the following weekend.

He had expected at least a brief adjustment period, but there had been none. As soon as he had moved everything in, it was like he had always been there. He and Toshinori rarely argued, and even then it was only over unimportant things; they spent their time together around Izuku's new schedule (even when Toshinori tried encouraging him to go out more); they lived as if they had never been apart.

Izuku loved hero work, but getting to come home to his soulmate was the best part of his day.

The only downside? Hardly anyone knew about their relationship. The selective group had been narrowed down to Inko, Gran Torino and various UA staff. Aizawa had somehow put the puzzle pieces together himself and confronted Toshinori at school, but for the others it had been slower revelations. Since, with how frequently Izuku injured himself, Toshinori could only wince or flinch and walk out of it with new scars so many times before they caught on.

Izuku hadn't actually known about this until he had walked into the teachers office to drop something off. Toshinori had hardly looked him in the eyes, while Midnight and Present Mic watched their interaction with big grins. Slightly traumatic, but Izuku recovered after a small amount of teasing.

On Izuku's side of things though, he only had his mother. He didn't really mind the majority of the time. No one needed to know about their relationship. It was between the two of them, for them. And Izuku knew how the press could be, even with their soulbond some would still look at them skeptically. But there was a small longing in Izuku, to be able to be open and free in who they were.

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