"Your a liar."

"I'm not lieing. You have always been a pawn in everyone's game. Especially your parents and Sky. I was only trying to help. But your a loss cause Seto." Zathe said. He's lieing. They wouldn't do that to me. I look at the ground.

"No, no your wrong."

"I'm right Seto. But one spell I think can save you. I'll need sacrifices. Villages." Zathe said. I look at him. I grab a fist full of his shirt.

"Leave them out of this. They don't deserve it. If I'm such a lost cause then give up on me and leave me to die again."

"I can't allow that. Unlike everyone I'm not leaving you to die." Zathe said. He puts something in my hand. He disappears. I stand there. I'm in a dungeon. I look at the bars. I'm the only one here and still have those chains. He can't be serious. No my parents wouldn't have done that to me. Sky wouldn't abandon me. He didn't use me. But what if he's right? I go on the wall and sink to the floor. I look at what Zathe gave me. It starts glowing. The dungeon disappears. This looks like the base. I stand up. I look around. Someone walks through me. What the?

"Midnight wait up." Someone said. Midnight! I walk to her. It's Jason.

"Hey Jason." Midnight said. She stops.

"You okay now?" Jason asks.

"Yeah, I'm over Seto. Who needs him?" Midnight asks. W-What? No.

"No one. He was just our little puppet. Sky said it himself that he was useful. But dieing was not suppose to happen. So no one needs him. He's a waste of space." Jason said. My eyes widen.

"Exactly. Everyone is saying that." Midnight said. They disappear. I'm back in the dungeons. Zathe appears.

"See. That was the truth." Zathe said. I look at the ground. That can't be true. But why does it feel like it was?

"I try to tell you, but you wouldn't listen to me. Seto the real you is someone made you in a lab. Your not a real person. Your just an experiment." Zathe said. He disappears. No, that's not true. It can't be. It feels true. I look at my hands. Being at the Sky Army was just someone using me this whole time. I'm not a experiment. I can't be. He's lying. A tear goes down my face. I was nothing more then a empty shell of nothing! I'm just a fail experiment pitch to die cause I failed at what I'm suppose to do? I had always had my doubts, but this is something I can't believe. Someone appears in the cell next to me.

"Seto is that you?" Someone asks. I don't move. Zathe is lying. He has to be lying. He's not lying. What? But he has to be. It doesn't make any sense. It will in time. But I want to know now. All you need to know is what Zathe is saying is true about you. You were nothing more then a failed experiment when he found you. O my god.

"Seto what's wrong?" Someone asks. My eye looks at him. Robert. I look back at my hands.

"It doesn't make sense. None of it does."

"What did Zathe tell you?" Robert asks. If I'm a fail experiment, then why did I survive? Why am I so important?

"Seto." Robert said. I know sometimes I would like blurred out, it was like I would stop functioning. My eyes widen. It is true.

"Seto what did he tell you?" Robert asks. Them all. They knew. Did they and they never told me? Plus didn't you hear what Midnight said about you? Zathe was right. They just don't want you to go against them. Once they have you they'll kill you. But my memories. Sky put them there so you would never find out Seto. He locked your memories of that lab so you wouldn't hurt him.

"Seto." Someone said. I look up. People are here. Zathe appears.

"Zathe what did you tell Seto?" Robert asks.

Hellbound: Book 8 to the Sky Army SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now