Chapter II: Pajamas and Bondage

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"Good morning, (Name)!" Katsume said.

You groaned and covered your eyes. Your head pounded and your back ached. You sat up to find yourself on the stone floor of your bedroom, your straw yellow companion in dog form nudging you with his nose. "Mom?"

"Get off the floor, you're not a dog. Why is your window open?" She shut the window and put her hands on her hips. "Come on, up!"

You stretched and stood, cracking your joints. "I'm up, I'm up."

"Good. Now, I've been thinking about what you said yesterday."

Your eyes widened. "You have?"

She nodded. "And I realized that you are right."

Hope surged through you. "Does that mean that I can go to the Hollow?"

She was taken aback. "What? No! I told you, no one is going to the damned Hollow!"

You shrunk back into yourself, sitting down on the bed. "Oh, then what were you talking about?" Denki jumped up on the bed and placed his head in your lap, which you petted absentmindedly.

"Well, you said that I've been treating you like a child, and you're right, I should treat you more grown up. You're turning 18 soon, so wouldn't it be wonderful if we threw you a wonderful, once in a lifetime–"

"Party," you grumbled, rolling your eyes.


You jumped from your seat, throwing Denki off your lap. "What?"

"I know! People love a royal wedding! They laugh, they cry, they eat too much cake... Oh, this plan is simply genius!"

Denki let out a surprised bark, and you nodded. "Mom, I know what you're doing. I refuse to get married because you need a distraction."

She giggled like a schoolgirl. "Well obviously, you silly goose," she said, poking your nose. "You're getting married for love!"

"I don't recall being in love with anybody!"

She tutted. "Oh, is that all you're worried about? Don't dwell on it for another moment, your mother will take care of it."

You grimaced at your mother's sly smile. "What does that mean?" you asked grimly.

A knock sounded on the door. Katsume's smile only grew. "Yes, come on!" she called to the person on the other side of the door. ma

"Mom, I'm in my pajamas!" You turned to the door that was starting to open. "No no, don't come in!"

"(Name), hush!" The door opened fully to reveal the Lord Chamberlain. "Aizawa, have you finished the proclamation?"

He sighed, the bags under his eyes even darker if that was possible. "Yes, your Majesty," he said in a bored tone. "Do you wanna hear it?"

"That would be amazing, thank you." She sat in a nearby chair, crossed her legs, and displayed a look of excitement on her face. You were terrified, you and Denki both standing and watching the two confusedly.

He pulled a rolled up scroll out of his pocket and unrolled it from the tube it was in before. He cleared his throat and began to read. "To all the eligible ladies and gentlemen of the kingdom, are you tired of being unmarried and unwanted? Do you crave meaning in your otherwise meaningless existence? Then bring your dancing shoes and a dowry to Her Majesty's royal ball, where you can win the chance to marry His Royal Highness, Prince (Name) the First."

Your eyebrows shot up. "What?" you exclaimed loudly. Your mother shot a glare at you, while the Lord Chamberlain didn't miss a beat.

"That's right. At the conclusion of tonight's ball, the prince will pluck one lucky lady from a life of obscurity and mediocrity in a ceremony of holy matrimony. Drawbridge opens promptly at eight pm." He rolled the scroll back up. "How was that, your Majesty?"

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