Chapter I: Our Story Begins

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 The guards were frantic as they caught wind of a thief in the castle, jumping onto their horses in quick pursuit. It almost seemed like Sir Nishiya was the last to hear about it, and this did not please him. It also did not please him that message had come from a soldier so low below him. Where were his top officers?

"We apprehended a thief breaking into the Queen's private vault, Captain. We think it may be a spy from the Kingdom of the East."

His eyes widened. This was proving to be not only a daring chase, but a daring thief as well. How had a spy been able to get through their defenses? And what business did he have in Queen Katsume's vaults? "Is that so? Where is he now?"

The soldier before him bit his lip. "He got away, sir. But don't worry, we'll catch him!"

He nodded. "See that he doesn't make it out. I'll notify the Queen of the situation." He turned to leave, gritting his teeth.

"There's one more thing, sir!"

He turned back around. "What?" he asked harshly, sure his day couldn't get any worse. His patience was dwindling quickly with this boy in men's armor.

"We–We think he has the Forbidden Book."

He cursed. Of course he got the damned Book, why else? "Are you sure?" he asked.

"Don't worry, we'll get it back."

He scoffed. "You better. Let him get away, and the Queen will have all our heads. Now go!"

The boy left on his horse, a hunting dog in tow. The Royal Army of the West was pulling out every trick they had up their sleeve, and rightfully so. Whoever knew the secrets in the Forbidden Book became dangerous, and danger was the last thing the Kingdom needed. He caught a servant nearby and told her to alert the Queen of an intruder before jumping onto his own horse and following quickly after the others. If the thief had the book, he couldn't stay behind.

Nishiya soon caught sight of a hooded figure on horseback being hounded by his soldiers. He had made it to the courtyard and found his way through the servants coming to and from the castle. He was no specially trained rider by any means, but his abilities worked in a cinch, it seemed.

The soldiers were yelling obscenities at the thief as well as the other soldiers. Everyone's stress was high, and the thought of what the Queen may do if they didn't get back the Forbidden Book had made everyone tense and desperate.

"Raise the drawbridge!" Nishiya commanded whoever was listening. "He's heading towards the bridge!"

Someone nearby must have heard, thank the gods, and ran over to the crank. The bridge closed moments before the thief made it, trapping the hooded figure in the courtyard. He himself looked desperate as he was quickly surrounded. Nishiya pushed through his men as the bastard struggled to get away. "Halt!" he yelled. "In the name of the Queen!"

As if on cue, all the swords were drawn. The thief's shoulders seemed to slump and he admitted defeat, his hands and the book up in the air. Nishiya quickly snatched the book away before having him escorted to the main hall.

The Queen was already sitting on her throne when they arrived. She looked tired yet regal, and highly unamused. "Forgive the intrusion, your Majesty," Nishiya said, kneeling. This late at night, he knew he was walking on eggshells with the woman, so he tried to find his manners. "This is the fiend we caught trying to steal the Forbidden Book!" He stood and gripped the shoulder of the thief, who was still standing next to him. "Kneel before the queen!" he ordered, pushing him down to one knee.

Queen Katsume seemed bored, twirling a strand of hair around her pointer finger. "Well, villain, you led my knights on quite the chase," she said, her voice exuding the aura of royalty while also betraying just how little sleep she got.

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