Protection ~ Ch43

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"Well, some of my night was occupied by a cursed spirit." I admitted back to him. I knew that it would've probably been best for me not to tell him about the spirit encounter but he was my lover and he deserved to know. I had no idea how much I would truly regret this decision.

"A cursed spirit?" He repeated in slight worry, sitting up and moving me so that I could no longer hide my face from him. I gulped slightly, preparing myself to tell him about the iced spirit that tried to end my life today.
"Yeah...I-uh-went to the rooftop for some air and a cursed spirt came out of nowhere---" My attempt at saying my words quick enough so that Sukuna didn't comprehend them did not go as plan. Sukuna cut me off with a frustrated growl.

"I thought I told you to never go somewhere without protection?!" The king of cursed accused, his grip on my hips becoming tighter as he became more frustrated. I hesitantly nodded at the man's words, knowing it was true and hastily trying to find an excuse that was valid.
"But I was protected!" I burst out quickly, trying to calm down his anger. His anger turned into confusion as he tried to connect the dots of my situation, not understanding where I was going with this story.

"What?" Sukuna asked in confusion, looking at me wuth accusing eyes. My eyes flickered down to the bracelet on my wrist. Of course this wasn't the real bracelet but a mere Imitation made by my mind in this domain. It looked just like a normal bracelet. Even so, I lifted my arm and showed Sukuna anyway and prepared myself to explain. But once I saw the look of recognition in his eyes, I realised I didn't have to.

"A protection spirit." Sukuna mumbled, holding my wrist with his own hand as he inspected the bracelet. Of course there was not much to inspect other than the dimming sigil carved into the side of the golden band. What Sukuna said couldn't help but make me smile. I knew it was protecting me. For a short moment today I had actually doubted Satoru.

"He gave you this? That stupid blind man?" Sukuna asked with rising anger. His eyes started turning a darker shade, almost becoming black. His hold around my wrist was uncomfortable as he tightened his grip the more he thought about Satoru. I wasn't sure why he was so angry. Satoru clearly saved my life.
"He's not blind." I defended playfully, trying to calm Sukuna down from his unessesary anger before continuing to say,
"But yes, he did. I probably would have been very hurt without this."

A few moments passed of absolute silence as Sukuna thought about what to say, his anger still clearly having a hold on him. I could tell he was trying not to yell but I still didn't understand what his need was to yell.
"Get rid of it." Sukuna said finally after a short exhale, finally looking me in the eyes with a hard stare. He wasn't suggesting...He was demaning.

"W-What?" I stuttered out hesitantly. I knew he was reffering to the bracelet but I couldn't understand his problem with it. Sukuna let out a small growl at my question, not liking how I wasn't quickly complying with his orders.
"Get rid of the bracelet. I want it gone." He ordered, this time his tone was much huskier as if he was holding himself back from yelling at me.

"N-No- It was a gift! Not only that but there is an actual spirit in here that saved my life. How do you think it would feel if I repayed it by destruction?" I defended with an upset tone. I didn't want to gst rid of the bracelet. Not only has it grown on me but I owe the spirit. I can't pay that debt by 'getting rid of it'. What would that say about me as a person?

My further defiance seemed to finally set Sukuna off. He could no longer hold back the anger that I was allowing to be built up inside of him.
"I don't care about the fucking spirits feelings! I want it gone! That fucker knew what he was doing when he put this bracelet onto you! He knew I'd be fucking pissed off when I found out!" Sukuna raged. His eyes were not a deep shade of black as his voice echoed around the room. I've seen Sukuna angry before so I wasn't scared but rather confused at what he was talking about.

Our Heart (Ryomen Sukuna x reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin