But You Love Her.

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I stared from afar at the girl with beautiful long curly brown hair with twinkling green eyes that seemed to shimmer in the light beautifully. Her name was Heather and she was the prettiest girl in the school, so many girls envied her or were jealous of her beauty. You could say that I was one of them but I wasn't jealous of her beauty or envied how much the boys stared at her. I was jealous of her. Of how she can be her true self without being scared or not having to lie about how she feels. I looked away so she wouldn't see me looking and I could feel my heart beating so fast. I looked back at my friends and tried to ignore my heartbeat. My friends were already talking to some of Heather's friends and they seemed to get along. I looked at my best friend, his name is  Marl and he wasn't popular or some jock. He just had a heart of gold and was so kind to others. That's why he was my friend because his kindness led to our friendship. He had dark black hair that seemed like the darkness of night and had these blue eyes that looked like the shimmering ocean. Even though I've never seen the ocean, they just reminded me of it. He was staring at Heather. You see he had the biggest crush on her for so long and he'd always talk about her. Sometimes I wished he never talked about her or stared at her. Or that he wouldn't smile at her lovingly or use cheesy pickup lines on her. But how could I stop him? I was his best friend and I had to support him even though he didn't know I was feeling this.

I looked away from him since he noticed me staring at him. "Is something wrong," he asked me. I shook my head and mumbled, "You know it isn't nice to stare." He quietly laughed and looked back at Heather. "How could I not stare? She's perfect. She's kind, smart, beautiful, and she's just perfect in every way," he whispered but was quiet enough that only I could hear. I looked at the floor and fidgeted with my fingers. Of course he would say that. I mean it isn't a lie since she's perfect in any way. She is this perfect girl that everyone wants to be. Mark turned back to me and whispered, "I'm going to do it. I'm going to confess and I just know she's going to accept my confession." He sounded excited and I wanted to be excited for him. But I felt a rush of jealousy and I couldn't hide it this time for some reason. "Then just do it. Just confess to her if you like her so much," I hissed. He looked at me confused since it was the first time I sounded like this. "What's up with you? You're acting weird. Are you jealous or something,"he asked. I sat up and looked in his eyes. "What! Why would I be jealous? I mean no, I have no reason to be jealous," I protested. He shook his head and got up. He seemed annoyed since I wasn't excited for him. I mean I really wanted to be excited for him. But my feelings just won't let me.  "Sure you aren't. You know you shouldn't be like all the other girls and be jealous of her," he told me. I nodded my head but stayed silent. "Class is going to start. I should get going," he continued and walked away from me. I was alone now. Our other friends had already left and the school bell had rang.

I'm being selfish. I should be cheering him on and supporting him but part of me doesn't want him to do this. I laid my head on the desk and closed my eyes. I tuned out the students and teacher talking. I just wanted a moment of quiet to think things out. Soon I opened them again and paid attention in class. Hours went by and class had ended. Everyone else had already left while I stayed behind to clean up my desk and to get my things. I walked to the bookshelf by the window to grab a school book when I noticed Mark waiting by the back of the school. He always said he'd want to confess to a girl at the back of the school like in anime. I never understood why it mattered. Maybe it was to have some privacy? I don't understand it but Heather wasn't there yet. I felt my heart start to beat faster and I felt my legs wanting to run to stop him. Before I even realized, I had run out of the classroom leaving my things in the classroom. I ran as fast as I could down the stairs almost tripping and falling but I kept my balance. I ran and ran until I got to the back door. I pushed past the door and was about to turn the corner when I noticed she was already there. No. I was too late already. My heart was pounding and I could hear him confessing from the wall I was hiding behind. I wanted to get it off my chest. I wanted to confess first or to at least do something to stop his confession. He's my best friend and had the biggest crush on Heather. We grew up together and always talked about who we liked but all my "crushes" were lies. We promised each other that our friendship would matter more than love so I never interfered with his crushes but here we are. I'm one corner away from stopping this. But I just can't. You see the thing I was keeping to myself was that we both had a crush on the same person.

This time it was different because I loved Heather but he just never knew about it. At this moment I needed to choose. Him or Her? Who's happiness mattered more to me? Who needed this more? Who had the better chance? But it was obvious to me, he mattered more since he's always been there for me. I wouldn't have a chance with her and I knew that. I had to sacrifice this for him because I knew it just wasn't meant to be. "I loved you heather but you love him,"I whispered as I walked away. I could hear them laughing and giggling. She said yes and since that day they have been a couple. I later on came out to my best friend and he accepted who I was but he never kneels nabout my love for Heather. And he never will because today is Mark and Heather's wedding day. I'm one of the bridesmaids and she's walking up the aisle. Her beautiful brown hair was neatly in a bun and her green eyes twinkled in the light. She was smiling so brightly and so was Mark. I'm glad with the choice I made back then because I now can see them both happy. It was a sacrifice I was willing to take to let them be happy together. I just hope they spend the rest of their lives happy together. And one day I will find my own Heather to love for the rest of my life.

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