❝Miss, are you alright? I've heard the fight... ❞Jiang Meng asked concerned.

❝I'm fine.❞Xu Yang lied and rushed back to her chambers.

Jiang Meng followed her and sat next to her.

❝Do you want me to kill him, Miss?❞ he asked patting her back.

❝You can't do that, he is an Emperor after all. I'll need another plan... ❞

❝Miss, remember what her majesty, Mi An, told you? We can run away and hide in her Kingdom, she won't give you back to him even if it means war. ❞

❝Run away? It's risky, Jiang Meng. If we get caught, you and Ji An will be killed.❞

❝If I can get miss safely away from this madness then I will die happy. Please, you need to get away, this place is destroying your happiness. ❞

Xu Yang looked up at Jiang Meng.

❝You two can't die. No, do not even talk about it, you and Ji An are my only friends here, I will protect you two. ❞

Jiang Meng laughed a little.

❝That is our job, to protect miss, not the other way around.❞

Xu Yang smiled as well. Her mood got better after seeing Jiang Meng smile and after hearing his words. She felt like she could rely on someone.

❝Then let's do it. Let's run away, but first let me write a letter to my family and Mi An to tell them, after we can plan our escape together.❞ Xu Yang felt hopeful and relieved that she had a change to escape and live happily.

She was sad about leaving her family like this, but they would surely visit her in Saju. Xu Yang was worried about the Emperor doing something to them in a act of anger, but her family wasn't weak, they surely will be fine.

Xu Yang didn't left her chambers, but sent Jiang Meng to pass a letter to her father and another one to Mi An. The road to Saju will be a day and a half so they will be able to run away in 3 or 4 days.

                 |   Two days later:   |

❝Miss, everything will be alright, this one will take care of you.❞ Ji An said looking at Xu Yang who looked out the window.

As mentioned, Xu Yang didn't left her chambers and barely spoke or eat. She was worried sick about their escape and all the things that could go wrong and it was tiring her mind and body.

❝His majesty, the Emperor!❞ a maid shouted making his presence announced.

Before Xu Yang could tell Ji An to send him back, Zhang Wan already entered her room and sat at the table as Xu Yang was sitting on her bed.

❝The food is cold, go prepare something warm.❞ he ordered one of the maids.

The table was soon emptied by the maids.

❝Why haven't you eaten?❞ The Emperor asked Xu Yang who didn't moved her gaze from the window.

❝I don't have an appetite.❞ she replied shortly.

❝Are you going to get sick on purpose?❞

No reply.

❝You'll eat with me and I don't take no as an answer. This is an order.❞

Xu Yang continued to look out of the window with no expression on her face, just like a lifeless doll. Zhang Wan stood up and walked towards her bed where he sat down next to her.

❝Yang'er, are you feeling sick? I'll call the imperial doctor.❞ he asked in a sweet tone and grabbed her hand in his.❝ Look at you, my dear, you got skinnier in the past days. Is it because I told you to stay in your chambers? I said that at anger, you can go out now, no need to stay here anymore. I'm sorry for being harsh on you. ❞

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