"No time for proper introductions. Come with me," he said. Alida was far more wary and cautious than Pym or Nimue. They stood with ease and followed him with no hesitation. Alida realized that for whatever reason, both of the people closest to her trusted this man. He was willing to help them, and there was certainly no way Alida would successfully make it home on her own. So she eventually followed as well, missing the majority of chatter between her sister and Arthur.

"The Red Paladins are burning Fey villages along Beggar's Coast," he warns. "Be careful." It alerted the girl quickly, pace quickening to catch up with them. Though she hadn't noticed Arthur immediately fall behind them. "Where are you going?" asks Nimue, turning around. Alida and her horse's steps cease, head whipping around to notice Arthur standing in an opening within the tall trees. "Making camp. What else?" he chuckles. Alida purses her dry lips, looking between the man and her friends. If Paladins were burning Fey villages, wasn't it crucial to return home immediately? What if their home was next? It seemed like Nimue had forgotten about the news altogether when she quickly agreed to spending a night in the forest.

Alida's lips parted in shock, bewildered at the fact that their mother was not top priority. But there was no way Alida would abandon her sister and her friend with a man whom she had no trust in at all whatsoever. She wouldn't let this be the last moments she spent with her sister in case Arthur was truly a fraud and wanted to take their lives.

Within time, they four made camp. Alida remained somewhat distant from the group, still unsure about her feelings for Arthur. He could be anyone. And trust was the biggest weakness of all. She remained close to Anvil, using her cloak to keep her warm as she slept through the night. It was a rather light sleep, but enough to get her going in the morning when Nimue decided to abruptly wake her up at the break of dawn. A yawn escaped her lips, and she was quick to recover consciousness and ride Anvil beside the two girls back to their village.

"Come on, Nimue. I'd only looked at Arthur for about a minute all in all and even then, I could see something in the way he looks at you," Alida spoke, a soft smile written upon her lips. She'd decided to not mention the fact that she wasn't very trusting of him. It went without saying. Alida never got close to anyone, and when she did, it was for good reason. The only ones who Alida held close to her heart were Nimue, Pym, her mother, and Squirrel. Aside from that, everyone was a mere acquaintance. Alida could know their name, but she wouldn't spare them her acknowledgment. They meant little to nothing to her. She probably was deemed selfish by anyone except her family. For them, she'd die a hundred times before letting them sit alone.

"I had a vision!" Nimue snapped, causing the red headed girl and Alida to look at each other in worry. Within less than a few seconds, their attention was back on Nimue. "Nimue, did you black out afterwards?" There was a brief pause. "I don't know," was all she said quietly with a shrug of her shoulders. Alida hadn't noticed until then that they came to a full stop. Her hazel eyes shift upwards as she extended a palm, snow gently falling upon the delicate skin. But there was a smell in the air and a burning in her eyes that told her it was not snow. No. This was ash. Ash was falling from the sky, and it took one glance between the three girls to know exactly why there was ash in the first place. Their village. It was burning to the ground while they were bantering over the connection between Nimue and a boy she met only yesterday.

     "Mother," Alida and Nimue breathed out simultaneously, sharing the same look. Before they could gallop forward, Nimue and Pym were knocked off the back of Old Boy, who'd been spooked by a sudden sound that Alida hadn't heard. She was startled to say the least, and slid off the saddle of Anvil. She took whatever small belongings she might need, as well as a small dagger from her saddlebag's before setting Anvil off to wherever. Anywhere but here. He was great for transportation, but she didn't want him caught in whatever mess they were about to walk into.

𝐋𝐄𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐒 𝐍𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐃𝐈𝐄 | THE WEEPING MONKWhere stories live. Discover now