Pryce just laughed. "Ultra Balls? I remember back when we didn't have Great Balls. And if you couldn't catch your Pokémon with a good old-fashioned Poké Ball, that was too bad for you."

"And there was none of that newfangled PC business," Agatha scoffed. "As many Pokémon as you could carry, that was all you got. Trainers these days are soft."

They all turned to Falkner. He suddenly felt very young and very, very uncomfortable.

"I'm gonna grab a bite to eat." He excused himself and didn't look back. Then Janine caught his eye from across the room, and he immediately forgot what he was supposed to be doing.

She was with her dad, he noted with a frown. Of course she was. No way would Koga bail with a Master Ball at stake.

Forget about a date. He'd be lucky if he got a hello.

Janine's dad, Koga, was a member of the Elite Four. Tough, threatening, and always in Falkner's way. Why was the question—he hadn't gotten into trouble with the guy, as far as he could tell—but Koga had never seemed to like him. Falkner suspected he was protective to a fault.

Koga also happened to be a ninja. Falkner didn't know exactly what that entailed, but he'd learned enough from Janine to know he needed to be worried. So he tried to keep his distance when Koga was around. Big time.

Now, he didn't think he'd have a choice. Janine had left her dad, and she was heading his way. He couldn't help but gape. She normally looked good, but tonight was something else.

"Wow," he gasped out. "You look..." Amazing. Unbelievable. Just wow.

Janine smiled back at him, awaiting the words that weren't coming.

"Good," he finished lamely.


Falkner returned her smile, but inside, he was cringing. All he could manage was good? "I mean, really good."

Because that was so much better.

"Um, thanks. You look pretty good yourself." She was blushing a little. He hoped it was a sign.

"Thanks." Falkner straightened his tie, only half sure it matched his suit, and even less sure it was tied right. He never got this awkward with Janine. So what was up with him now?

Maybe it was the party. Maybe it was his own nerves. Or maybe it was the way Koga kept glowering at him like some kind of death threat.

"So... how's your dad?" he asked. It was all that came to mind under the circumstances.

"Fine. He's over there." Janine pointed at Koga, as if Falkner hadn't noticed. "Is yours here, too?"

"Nah. Still traveling. You know the deal." His dad had given him the keys to the gym and left on what seemed an endless journey. Some days, Falkner didn't even know where he'd flown. Janine was lucky to have hers around, he thought, ignoring the voice in his head that insisted things would be a heck of a lot easier for him if Koga ventured off to some random corner of the world himself.

"When's he due back?"

He shrugged. "No idea."

A sudden excitement filled the room, and guests and reporters alike rushed to the entrance. The Hoenn Champion had arrived. Or former Champion, maybe. Either way, this Steven guy had caused a scene just by showing up.

In the commotion, Falkner flagged down a passing waiter with a tray of champagne. He took two glasses and handed one to Janine like a gentleman would. Finally, he felt he'd gotten something right.

"I can't," Janine whispered, handing the glass right back. "My dad's watching."

Falkner winced as Koga shot him a venomous glare. Now what? He couldn't just stand there double-fisting champagne while they talked.

So he walked up to the first two people he saw. Lance and Clair, as luck would have it. Not the most approachable pair. Well, Lance was cool, but he'd been Champion of the League for years. Needless to say, that made him a bit intimidating.

"Here." Falkner thrust the glasses at them. "I thought you guys might like some champagne."

The two cousins exchanged confused glances, but took the drinks and thanked him.

"No problem." He turned away, mortified, and went back to Janine.

She was laughing at him.

Falkner sighed. Eight forty-five and he was already blowing this.

* * *

Up next: A mysterious stranger saves Jasmine from the most uncomfortable moment of her life.

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