Chapter 2

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No ones POV

Izuku was sleeping in class when he heard the teacher come in he woke up the teacher looked towards the class and said " so you all filled out your high school forms and... What's the point your all going down the hero track" he turns back to the board and throws the papers in the air and all the students activated there quirks excited except for two izuku and bakugo who had his feet on the desk when he spoke up " HEY TEACH DON'T LUMP IN WITH THESE D-LIST NOBODY'S" after he said that the whole class was mad calling him out when he speaks again "HA, JUST TRY I'M THE ONLY ONE THAT PASSED UA'S MOCK EXAM SO I'M THE ONLY ONE QUALIFIED TO BE A HERO" the teacher looks at the papers and speaks up " huh, midoriya you want to go to UA as well huh" after he said that the whole class went silent and turned to the boy who had his head down but he woke up and said " Yeah i'm going to UA so also bakugo just because you past the mock exam doesn't mean you'll be accepted" this made bakugo mad to where his palms where smoking, but the teacher told the class to calm down and to deactivate their quirks since that's school rules.

Timeskip to the end of the day

Izuku packs his bags when bakugo and his goons approach him.

"What do you want bakugo" izuku asked in a tired voice

"Don't apply to UA" he said placing his hand on his shoulder his hand glowing but izuku was unfazed

"And why do I have to listen to you ya jackass" izuku spoke with venom 

after he said that bakugo and his goons backed away and left izuku finished packing he left school   he was walking home decided to take a short cut under a over pass 

Izuku's POV

I take my usual shortcut home a let out a sigh of exhaustion and speak "man bakugo is really annoying why does he treat me like nothing he easily knows i can beat him in a fight but if he wants to act like that that's his problem" i continue walking when i here some sort of rattling noise look behind me and see a giant pile of sludge it forms a face and speaks "ah a medium sized meat suit you'll do perfectly" 

No one's POV

As the giant sentient sludge charges for izuku he moves out of the way the villain turns around to see izuku but somethings different he see's the boy's mouth glow green the moment he realized what was going to happen it was to late izuku breathed a giant cloud of green fire this only caused the villain to scatter into small pieces only to reform luckily for izuku there's some little flames from his quirk he gathers them up and throws a fireball at the villain, but little does he know that the #1 hero All might is watching him

All might's POV

I follow the villain to a small overpass as i'm about to appear i see a boy about 15 years old breath fire at the villain only to little avail gathers a small fire ball and launches it at the villain i'm surprised at this age he has great control of his quirk, but thats enough all might 

Izuku POV

After a while of dodging the villain my throat is starting to hurt and i'm running out of air the villain notices this and charges at me only to see the manhole lid to shoot up in the air to reveal all might saying "TEEEEEEEEEEXXXXXXXXXXXASSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSMMMMMAAAAAAAAASSSSH" causing a giant wave of air to be launched at the villain i close my eyes only to see all might and the villain gone i pick up my things when i hear all might say " Young man are you okay " he turns to me with his signature smile i'm filled with excitement when i assure him i'm fine and ask him "where's the villain" after i say that all might reaches into his pockets to reveal two bottles that hold the villain he then tells "normally using your quirk in public without a license is illegal but since you where defending yourself i'll let this slide just be careful" after he says this he goes to the other side of the overpass and leaves i'm still in shock

A/N: So izuku will be a little more confident and doesn't take crap from no one but he's still shy and he's always tired from training his quirk and studying for UA  and since izuku doesn't grab onto all might's leg he doesn't find out his secret leaving all might with a few minutes left in his buff form

Still Izuku POV

After this whole crazy situation i see my notebook with all might's signature in one of the pages a keep walking thinking about what happened he made it home ate dinner and went to sleep thinking about what happened

To be continue.... 

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