Chapter 2: „And they were roommates"

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Netherlands POV

I have a blob now.
A blob named Swaps.
Even tho I am very excited about this achievement I've waited and been excited for for a long time, right now I can't get over the fact that she seems to have a pretty high ego on her own. Guess I'll have to deal with it for now- and probably forever. From the corner of my eyes I recognize Indo and his blob- Bubi is his name if I remember correctly, both seeming to get along pretty well on first sign too. That's nice- what a good start into the new school year, you know: after already getting all those heavy books and stuff. EU cleared his throat again- gaining the attention of the room.

"Alright, listen up students. As I said before each blob has a certain ability that they can use." he announces. Right, they can do stuff. Eu starts explaining what I've already heard from Dad. He cared a lot about us understanding the nature of those creature, and thought us much about them.
Let me explain.

Actually, we don't know too much about Blobs, even tho they live closely with us. Instant of a heart The have a energy crystal within them, either popping up through strong emotion or a soul. Yes, people can be reborn as Blob. Due to the energy they have Abilities, defying science. I watch EU writing on the blackboard while talking. Those abilities are parted in four different- each unique and specific groups: parted into ‚Animals', ‚Defence and attack', ‚Elemental abilities', and ‚multi parted Magic'."
Surely, I don't need to explain the first one: Blobs with those ‚abilities' have the features of different animals that are part of the Blobs Body, able to be used 24/7 without getting them too tired- like other Blobs with different abilities do- like Phil, I guess.
Blobs with abilities of defence and attack. They are most likely to be able summon transparent, yet very visible and stable weapons but also shields, mainly defend themselves and others from enemies and else.. which is awesome!
Blobs from the group of Elements have, like the name says, a certain element which they can control. And the rest of them is parted into magic, counting in from moving things, to reading minds, to teleport and things like this. The Magic and Attack/Defence are the mostly represented, Animals go after that. Elements is the rarest power a blob can get.

I look at Swaps. I mean I know Olivia, but there is supposed to be much Mystery and energy in that little thing? Hard to believe,  she is something like 20cm tall. But ok, sure. I mean I'm not complaining- can be useful. Might and will be useful. Or annoying. Maybe both.

EU then tell the blobs to present their 'powers' if they are able to be seen. We all are ordered to stand up, form a large circle around a few tables- which we pushed together first- to create a bigger one. EU told Lux and Vy to go first. Lux awkwardly proceeded to put Vy on the middle of one of the desks we stood around. Shortly afterwards Vy summoned a flying sword, suddenly looking very threatening at us. Gaps run through the class, I shiver at the scene- genuinely surprised.
The I feel something warm rubbing against my cheek, which turns out to be Swaps, trying to comfort me. And it works. I slightly smile, relaxing my shoulders.

So, Vy is from the Attack/Defense group I see. Nice. He might need the protection from her. Belgie likes tickling.
Phils features are obviously too, he's a straight up bird.
We also got a fox.
And then, the pain came..
You see- The next 15 minutes were spent figuring out that Thailand's Blob (named Jochen), Korea's Blob (Jette) can't show their abilities. It's hard to figure out since we -as humans- can't quite communicate with them. Well we can- but the Blobs can't answer since again, they are mute: they actually don't have mouths, just eyes. But after that- a short time later we found out what their abilities are-
well we tried.
If we all are correct -which I hope-
Jette can legit lead a conversation with animals if she wants, which excited Korea, really. Australia also looks amazed.. and a little sad? Jochen can see someones true intentions, which is pretty amazing. Imagine looking at someone and see what they really want. That's very cool as well.
Then, Ngan can multiply, oh god- and we have one with elemental powers as well: Finlands Blob, named Jessica. Literal flower power.

The last two blobs who were left are mine and Indos. Indo is standing next to me, Bubi sitting on his head. We all turn our head to them. Indos eyes widen, and Bubi looks almost shocked around the room. Poor them.
I quietly chuckle to myself. Bubi proceeds to jump off of Indos head, making his way in the middle, like everyone else. Then I felt myself floating- you heard me-   
f l o a t i n g.
There is a cyan-glowing outline around my body. I look around the room- trying to find the cause of the problem. Turns out everyone else is floating too. Everyone except Bubi.
I see- he can make things float. Oh wow. Then Gravity starts working again. We all fall to the ground, some landing on their feet while others don't. I'm ok- no worry.

I feel my blob getting awkward. EU looks at us. It's Swaps turn. Trying to help a little, I carry her to the table. As soon as Swaps sits on the desk, she starts melting.
.... wait... Melting?
Is- Is that supposed to happen?! I panic a bit. At this point, my blob is nothing but a black puddle. I look at our teacher, searching for help. But even EU seems unsure about the situation. Suddenly, the puddle expands and shoots up, changing it's shape. I yelp in surprise take a step back, not sure what to expect- and not to get any goop on me. The form turn solid, slowly changing color. In the next Moment I see myself in front of me.. huh..?
Swaps- Swaps turned into a replica of.. ME?!
My eyes widen. My Blob, looking exactly like me, a perfect copy, stares quietly at me.
"Right.. you are the shapeshifting one." EU mumbled loud enough for everyone to hear it. Shapeshifting, huh- Swaps simply stands up and walks over to me, like- really close. I lean back, not knowing what to do or how to react. This is weird, and Bizarre. Like I am looking onto a mirror..
But before anything else happened, ,The 'other me' starts shaking, and collapses, being a black puddle again, slowly forming back into a Blob. I stare down at her. She stares back.

EU cleared his thoat, telling us all to go back to our seats to continue the lesson. I quickly picked up my blob and got back to my seat. I need to know more about this

Indonesias POV

The rest of class was boring- nothing interessting. I was more busy thinking. Seeing two Netherlands was kinda weird.. But Bubis ability to let things float is really cool. All abilities are really cool! But then there is the thing with the dorm-mates. I wonder who's it going to be. Deep down in my stomach I hope it to be a certained European country. Nevermind. Something soft hits my head. I look up to my blob, who sits on my head- I must have started daydreaming for a second.
"Sorry Buddy-" I say in english, well knowing that Bubi probably won't understand Indonesian language. Oh well- practicing my english won't hurt. I hope. As we were allowed to leave the classroom I wanted to talk to Netherlands. It's been like 15 years! But as I turned my head to him he was already walking over to his brother Luxembourg. Hm.. Maybe later. I saw my siblings coming towards me- but I didn't feel like going with them, so I left the room by my own- realizing shortly afterwards that I don't know where to go.

"Uh- Bubi? Do you know where I can get our dorm-key?" I ask my blob awkwardly. He hops onto my shoulder and points his head in the right direction. With the teamwork we had I walked to an office, and got a number, a map and a key. 5-23. That would be my dorm. Nice. After another 10 minutes of searching, we stand in front dorm 5-23. I unlock the door effortlessly and walk in. The dorm consists of a simple eat-in kitchen, a bathroom and two bedrooms. Surprisingly cosy. I feel myself smile. Both bedrooms look the same, so I just claim one of them. As I'm unpacking my things, the door opens once again. Probably my dorm-mate. I hear him laughing loudly- it sounds familiar..? I open my bedroom door a centimeter to spy into the room.

Netherlands stands there, Swaps standing on his suitcase.
"I told you we are right- are you always that bad with directions?" He giggled, talking to his blob. Swaps just tilted her head, probably agreeing. I open the door more, smiling.
"Hey Neth-" I say loudly. Neth turns his head to me, surprised. His surprise swaps to joy.
"No way! No way you are my dorm-mate!" He laughs. I walk closer to him and look up.
"Sorry but how tall are you again?"
"195 cm." I almost choke.
"I don't know- sorry?" He rubbed the back of his head. I am jealous that he is so tall and I'm like- 164 cm. But I missed my friend, and since no one else is here- exept our blobs- I put my hand on his shoulder and tear him down to my high. Then I hug him. He immediately hugged back.
"I missed you!"
"I missed you too.."

Words: 1769

Love, Blobs and chaos, much chaos  -A nethernesia storyWhere stories live. Discover now