34: Checking In On Her

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*Dennis X Casey Cooke  (After Split -Glass didn't happen fic- ) (Dennis finds a waiting Casey )

Shortly after the events of The Beast's emergence Dennis couldn't get that girl with the scars out of his head. He had done some research and had found out what school she had gone to.

He was watching her from the the roof of a building so he didn't draw too much attention, she looked good, better than she had done in their home, she seemed more confident and walked like she had a huge weight taken off her.

She crosses the street and goes into a coffee shop.

Dennis sighed as he stared at her intently, he didn't understand why he was so drawn to her.

She finally comes out holding a little paper bag and a cup of coffee and starts heading off down the street.

Dennis followed her cautiously, jumping off the building and into an alley, he was grateful for The Beasts powers sometimes. She goes into a building of apartments.He stopped when he realized it would look a little odd for a stranger to walk into the building when he didn't live here.

When she gets in her apartment she goes out on the small balcony and checks on some small plants in pots up on the sides of the railing and then goes back inside.

Suddenly Patricia's voice interrupted his thoughts, barking orders for him to go get more impures again. He sighed staring after Casey again before waling off to get the impures.

Later on Casey's up again not able to sleep at all for some reason, she should be tried since she's now working and finishing up school but she just can't focus, she has something on her mind..always on her mind.

After he had done what was expected he was back again looking at the building of apartments longingly.

She turns off all the lights but then she opens her curtains a little bit to let the moon light in and opens one of the windows a little to let fresh air in. She sighs and walks over to her bed laying down across it.

He couldn't take it any more he had to see her, he climbed up to the balcony to see her better.

She's turns over on her side not facing the window and she making soft whimpers as she cries.

Dennis knocked on the door softly.

She gets up and her eyes widens when she sees him standing there, she walks over and opens the glass sliding door, staring at him still.

He stood there realizing how stupid this idea was "Hi..." he said quietly.

She suddenly faints.

Dennis catches her and carries her to her bed making her as comfortable as possible, "You idiot...what were you thinking?" he told himself off.

After he was done making her comfortable, he thought it would be best to leave so he didn't freak her out anymore.

She suddenly reaches out and takes ahold of his hand firmly "Don't leave me.." she begs him.

He stared at her not sure whether she was awake or not.

"Please don't leave me again.."

"Are you awake?" he asked stupidly.

"Yes Dennis I am"

He breathed out softly as he looked at her.

"Hold me" she holds her arms out to him.

He got closer to her slowly before wrapping his arms around her.

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