Chapter one

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{Y/n pov}

              "....ake up..... miss... wake up" I can hear a a faint voice beside me it sounded like a girl. I slowly open my eyes only to greet the harsh rays of the sun, my slowly adjust from the sun as the voice spoke once more "Ah! your awake? are you okay?", she said as she help me sit up, I look around only to see trees and grass.

 "where are we?" I ask the girl , she had a short brown hair and hazel brown eyes she also wearing a white dress with yellow? scarf and a goggles. "I don't know and I think that's yours" she answer with a frown and pointed to the ground, I look at where she pointed just to see my stuff fox "Oh...yeah this is mine.. how long was I out?" I ask again she only shrug her shoulder.

 " I see, my name is (L/n) (y/n) by the way what yours" I ask one last time " O-oh I'm Inaba Himiko-" before she could continue she saw big rats heading our way as she gasp. I immediately unzipped the stuffed fox and took out a sniper shooting them out. I was about to reload until saw something that was trying to escape the rats I look at Inaba and saw bombs in her hips " Inaba-san are those bombs?" she nodded " yes these are flash bombs" I nodded " okay can you thrown one of those in that direction, I can see something there as you throw the bombs please take my stuffed fox and ran away I will catch up with you." I pointed in the rats direction as she prepared the bombs "In three


One throw it!!"
I signal her as I cover my eyes and dash toward the object that I saw quickly return to Inaba who was picking my stuff toy and ran away. I quickly catch up to her as we were trying to find a hiding spot..

[Mini time skip]{3rd pov}

         As the two girls catching there breaths the (h/c) hair check the odd ball it was a ball looking owl with light brown and white feathers along with a green cape? she also notice that it's left wing is broken "Inaba-san there is a med kit inside of (Fox/name), can you patch this guy? its wing are broken" "Okay I'll do my best" she said as she began searching for the med kit...

While patching the little odd ball which is only a the size of two pair hands, clapping noise can be heard alerting the to females " Incredible as expect from the role-player streamer" an man? in suit with an alpaca head greeted as "Who are you?" you ask in a stern voice "How rude of me I am the monitor for 'The Ones Within' in charge of the 13th street, My name is Paca" he intrudes himself.

"Inaba-san hide behind me" she nodded and did what you told "This is the first stage, "Animal Brawl". The clear points are base on how many of the encroaching giant name you defeat and whether you are able to escape and you both clear it" Paca-san explained "but until know please look at you left wrist" we both look at our left wrist to see a code thingy (a/n: I don't know what you guys call it) that says 

NO. 13

We tried to take it off but it seems like it's permanent "W-what is this?!" exclaimed Inaba as she tried to  take it off " It's a body display counter. We took the liberty of embedding a nanochip while you were resting" ' a nanochip?' you thought as you  narrow you eyes at him "It's let you know the View Count in Real time. Now shall we get to the tower I will explain further more with the other players" He said as to girls look at one another and nodded.

Hacker ( The Ones Within x Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin