Chapter 7

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[3rd pov]

         The Five player obeserved the egg as they discuss.

     "The "Tokimeki Egg" absords the preferences of its nurturer, which tge determine the appearnce and personality of the shoujo that will hatch." Inaba read the manual out loud, "The egg will hatch in about an hour after it is first heated."

     "Heating it up... Like this?" Akatsuki siad heading towards the egg to hug it while also moving bis arms , "Look!".

     "Pardon the interruption but I don't think body heat is enough" (Y/n) interjects "Even fertilized chicken eggs need a temperature of around 38’C." She continues while looking around.

     "Speaking of which, why does it havr to be hatched from an egg?" Anya question as he cross he arms while tilting his head. " The guys tastes are creepy."

    For some time the team eventually boiled some water as this will help the heating progress.

   "Sensei! I found the heater!" Akatsuki called put Inaba. "Turn it on together with th fireplace. We need some humidity, so boil some water and put it near the egg.." Inaba says as she and (Y/n) are carrying pots to boil some water. "oh and the egg has to be turned from time to time."

    "What a pain.... Can't we just simmer it in the hot tub?" Kudou stupidly question. "Oh" muttered Aikawa taking everyones attention. "Onsen tamago (-Hot spring egg)" Aikawa said as the other look at him.

    "...Damn you, do you really want thay to be the first thing it hears" Kudou ask as he continued to look at Aikawa. "Nuke it..." Aikawa reply. "You, shut up!" Anya yelled.

     The boys then observes a microwave ,while Aikawa say to nuke the egg in the microwave, "Then won't we have a bishoujo explosion?" Akastuki question. ".. Damn the suggestion to do nuking have increased" Kudou stated, Aikwaw then excliamed "Afro".

   "No!" Inaba exclaimed, she then proceed to scolds the boys for their thougths while (Y/n) was inside the Egg room preparing the fireplace.

    "Well, everyone, let's offer up a prayer." Inaba scaid as they hug the egg while holding hands. "Egg, O Egg, please be born. If you fail, you will be turned intl tamagoyaki, crab omelette" prayed which alarm both Kudou and (Y/n), "Omellete, mayonaise, chawanmushi, ajitsuketamago, oyakodo, puddinv, carbonara,crap omeltte" followed Akatsuki. "Crap omelette... Sounds delicious.." Inaba and Akastuki muttered together. "Pray for a safe birth!" Kudou exclaim as (Y/n) look dumbfounded.

      For a while later the egg started to heat up as it started to glow over the heat.

     "Kudou-san tell me wbat type of girl you like!" Inaba exclaim, "Why?!" Kudou yells, "The instrution manual siad that the nurturer's preferences will be absorbed. If everyone talks about their favorite type, I'm sure it will turn into a wonderful girl." Inaba explained, " Feels like one of those nights during a school trip." Akastuki mention,

    The egg starts to crack Inaba panics and exclaim to think about their favorite type. 'What preferences. Ahhhhh.. Anyway, female! Sailor-fuku" Anya thought. ' Type of girl.... Someone who is sweet and good at baking?' (Y/n) wonders, 'I'm wishing for a simple, kind amd healthy child.'
Inaba wishes, '.... Pantaro... I want to meet you again..' Akatsu daydreamed, 'Afro....' Aikawa thought. The egg then starts to glow as everyone coverd theirs eyes from the brightlights, brightness then disapers and everyone look at the results...

{Author note}

-hello everyone I'm still alive I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'm very sorry for the late update....

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2022 ⏰

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