I like your dog

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Georgia, she's the type of girl who's wild. She has no cares for social norms. She does what she wants when she wants. But, she is one of the sweetest girls you will ever meet. 

Little did I know how she would change my life for the better. And it all started with a DM. 

Georgia  Pov:

I'm laying in bed just chilling and eating some snacks. I scroll through my phone and a post pops up.  It's a guy my age posting about wanting to meet some friends. He's cute, but his dog is cuter.  So I message him, "I like your dog." I close the app and go make some frozen pizza. When I come back to my phone there's already a reply. I open it and he replied, "Thanks! what are you up to"

Somehow our texts just flow. The anonymity of texting online creates such an open and honest vibe for us. We stay up all night texting:

Vinny: I'm a bad person

Georgia: Nobody's a bad person. I don't believe in that. Why do you think that?

Vinny: Try this: I'm cruel to my mom, love to steal random shit I don't need, and in the past I've treated girls like they're disposable

Georgia: Your past bad actions don't define you. Plus, if you were really a bad person you'd have no remorse about what you've done. 

Vinny: Damn, you rly r making me feel better

Georgia: I'm glad :)

In the morning I call my friend, Erin. I scream when she picks up the phone. Grumpy as she always is she groans and says, "Georgia get a grip. Do tell me what's up tho"

I give her the whole rundown: how sweet and cute Vinny is, how we have great banter, how he's open and I'm there for him. She smiles and calmly says to me, "Georgia, do you have a crush?"

As weird as this sounds, I've never had a crush before. I was so busy dealing with other shit in my life. On top of that, I didn't go to school for a while, so it's not like I have any crushing material in my life. So...I'm freaking out by this revelation. This might be a bad idea.....or the best idea

Georgia PeachWhere stories live. Discover now