The Favourite Candidate

Start from the beginning

And now he lost her.

With all the time, effort and patience he spent he still lose her.

"Well Im happy for me too and sad at the same time." Hanyu place his wine glass on the table and longingly stared at Yuxin.

"I heard the news that you got married."


Yuxin knew from the moment Gao Hanyu talk to her on the phone last time that he wants to tell her something.

Something about them.

Yuxin is never the type to avoid things. Shes the type who face life with braveness.

She admits she is slow when it comes to love and feelings she is slow but Gao Hanyu was always straight forward in showing his feelings for her.

Yuxin knows that what they had before was more than friendship. Five months ago before Gao Hanyu became big in Hollywood they were inseperable. Though without label Yuxin felt contentment.

She was even willing to take the risk with him.

She was ready to try again.

She was ready to fall in love again.

Until Gao Hanyu decided to leave.

Yuxin knew that making him stay is out of the question she believes that if Gao Hanyu wanted to stay he would stay.

But she dont totally blame him for leaving.

Because in a way Yuxin knew that if she really wanted to be with him she would have done something to make him stay but she did not.

She did not fight for him, for them.

Instead she willingly supported him in his decision and look where he is now.

And she is happy for him because the THEM ended with no hard feelings for each other.

"Yeah. Actually its been three months now and its---- good." Yuxin nodded." Yes its been fun."

Seeing the smile in Yuxin's lips Gao Han Yu didnt know what to say next he thought he had prepared his heart for this moment but he was wrong no amount of preparation could with stand the pain he got just from that smile.

What was he thinking that knowing shes fine and happy with someone else would lessen the pain? Huh.

Now lets hurt ourself more NO PAIN NO GAIN.

"Are you happy with him?"

It didnt took long for Yuxin to answer.

"YES." with firmness and sincerity.

"I see.

Hanyu does not think that he was defeated cause in the first place he was no longer a contender the moment he left Yuxin he lose the right to be one.

And the smile she did he never saw that even once before and her YES is just a confirmation that he has to moved on.

"Well if thats the case he better proved to me that he deserves you. Should I cancel my flight to next week? Geh has to meet that husbaand of yours"


"I think you should come and visit me sometimes. I think you would love L.A. Ill be a hospitable host you dont have to carry anything just your id and passport I will provide for you that you may decide to live there. In exchange you can clean my place and cook for me" Gao Hanyu said jokingly.

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