A Wife

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As they entered the apartment Yuxin dropped her luggage and face Kun.

"Now talk. What was that all about? Why were you acting like that? and Whats with that attitude towards Hanyu ge?" Yuxin frustatedly said.

"So you are just concern about Gao Hanyu. I should have known." Kun solemnly said.

"Wha - why would you think that it was about him? We are talking about your actions. We are talking about YOUR attitude."

"Ohhhh So it was about me? Why dont we talk about your action and your attitude towards him because mine wasvuse by yours ."

"What action and what attitude are you talking about here?"

"The hug. I saw you hugging him eventhough I clearly told you that I dont want you getting near him."

"It was just a hug cause he was leaving----"

"Goodbye? Uh yeah right now that you mention it are you gonna go to L.A. to meet him and be with him now to hug him.." Kun with obvious sarcasm.

"Why are being so irrational? It was just a hug given to a friend who was saying goodbye" Yuxin too cant help but raise her voice.

"And I am, I am your husband. But why are you hugging with another man!!!!"

"Why do you keep saying the word hugging? and he is no other man, he is my friend. A friend."

"Friends? Are you kidding me now Yuxin?" Kun bitterly ask. "No friend in their right mind would ask you if you have eaten every meal, no friend would send you messages complimenting you everyday, no friend would send you flowers every end of your performance and lastly no friend would ask you to meet up once a week saying that he misses you."

"How----." Yuxin softly whispered.

"How would not I know every close friend of you had question our relationship just because of him."

"But Kun why would that even matter? It happened long time ago----"

"It does Yuxin. It does matter. The fact that you still have connection with him and the fact that amidst his busy schedule he still made time just to see you matters to me."

"But why I dont get it?"

"Its because I am your husband---------"

"But its just in the contract---" paused.

"Ahhhhh. Yeah I forgot about that sorry for my action and attitude then."

Kun leaves Yuxin behind.

In the morning, Yuxin was infront of Kun's door with her hands in fist still hesitating if she'll knock or not.

Today is the last day of her schedule this week its a photoshoot and she wants to say goodbye to Kun but she was still thinking about last night.

If I didnt just blurted out those words.

If only today is a normal day, Yuxin wont be doing this.

Yuxin is used to Kun making the breakfast when both of them are at home even if there's an upcoming schedule.

Sometimes he would be preparing coffee only if they were late. Then he would be sending her to where she is supposed to go even if its in airport or he has his own schedule .

So with those actions Yuxin's manager staff no longer picks her up now she had to text them to pick her up.

If Kun is not awake yet there will be one reason, he dont want to see her.

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