Chapter 5 - Plane Rides and Naps

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A few days after my sleepover with Connie, it was time to leave for LA. My brother and I had finished packing last night just the essentials, plus a few pranking materials. I mean, have you met me and my brother? We were leaving at about 7 am so we would be in LA in time for registration. This meant I had to get up at 5 am to get to the airport at 6 am. Those were the goal times but knowing my brother we would be a bit off schedule.

My alarm went off at 5 am as scheduled and I got out of bed right away, if I didn't I would have fallen back asleep. I went to check on my brother knowing he wouldn't wake up on his own.

"Lester, Averman, Aves, Leslie," I persisted, trying to wake him up. I sighed in defeat as an idea came to me. I went downstairs to our garage and grabbed a bucket, I stuck it under the kitchen sink and filled it with cold water. I trudged upstairs with the bucket in tow. I walked into my brother's room and splashed it on him.

"AHHHHHHHH! WHAT THE HECK Y/N!" my brother shouted reaching for his glasses.

"I tried to wake you up but you wouldn't open your eyes," I said walking out of the room. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth, showered, did my hair, and basically just got ready for the day. As I went to my room to grab my bag and walkman, playing my favorite song. I met my brother downstairs at 5:45 and our parents drove us to the airport. My brother and I went through security and walked to the gate and met the rest of our team. I sat down next to Connie and started a small conversation with her. Once everyone else arrived, we started boarding the plane. As we were in line, Guy came up to me.

"Hey y/n so you mind if we switch tickets? I want to sit next to Connie," he asked me.

"Yeah sure, here you go," I say handing him my ticket and taking his.

Once I boarded the plane I put my smaller bag above my head and started looking for my seat. As I approached my seat I slid into it, sitting by the window. When Kenny approached me, he said "Hi" and sat down next to me. I was still tired from waking up so early so as we started taking off, I slowly dozed off.

Ken Wu POV:

As y/n finally nodded off, her body shifted off to land on me. As her head rested on my shoulder, I could feel my cheeks heating up. Y/n was super cute and nice to me when I first met her. I looked across the aisle to see Connie and Guy wiggling their eyebrows, which made me blush even more. After a little longer in the air, I started to fall asleep a bit. I didn't move for fear of waking up y/n, but I slowly fell asleep too.

3rd POV:

As Kenny fell asleep his head fell on top of y/n as they both slept peacefully.

Connie elbowed Guy and quietly whispered to him, "Look." As Guy looked away from the window he saw y/n and Kenny asleep on each other. Coach overheard Connie and looked too.

"Ah, young love," Coach said and turned back to his playbook. Most of the team heard this too and all looked at the pair. A series of Aww's passed through the team and a protective glare from Averman.

Pretty soon the plane began its descent. As the plane landed with a small thud, the sleeping pair awoke.


I was awoken by a sudden thud. As I came to my senses and realized my head was on Kenny's shoulder, with his head on mine. As he took his head off of my head, I quickly removed mine from his shoulder.

"Uh, sorry," we both said in unison. We both let out light laughed, our cheeks flaming red. As we pulled up to the gate, everyone grabbed their bags and exited the plane. As we walked to the Shuttle that would drive us to our dorms, I fell in step with Connie.

"Soooo..." she started in a teasing voice.

"Don't even," I stated, quickly walking ahead of her. As I sped forward, I could hear her laugh and basically feel her evil smirk. I got on the bus and zoned out all through the bus ride and registration.

Coach led us up to the third floor, where the team's dorms were. Coach yelled out dorm assignments and numbers.

"Kenny, Averman, Goldberg, and Dwayne, room 301," Coach said tossing the key to Dwayne as the four boys all headed to their dorm.

"Dean and Fulton, room 302," Coach said tossing the key to Fulton as he and Dean roughly made their way to their room.

"Connie, Julie, and Spini, room 303," Coach said as he threw me the key. Us girls unlocked our dorm and walked in.

The room had two sets of bunk beds on either side of the room. It had four dressers and a small table with four tables in the corner. We decided Connie would take the top of one bunk and Julie would go on the bottom. I went to the top of the other bunk and set my walkman down there. We unpacked our bags into the dressers and exchanged small talk. I got to know Julie better and she got to know me and Connie better. I could tell the three of us were going to be great friends. I was super excited to be in LA, us girls talked about going to the beach after our first game tomorrow. Coming to the Goodwill games was going to be the most fun I have had in a long time.

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