Chapter 2 - New Recruits and a Scrimmage

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Me and the rest of the Ducks were crowded together on the Ice with Coach Bombay and Mr. Tibbles. I was standing in between Connie and Guy with my brother on Guy's other side. We were all in our Ducks' uniform ready to meet our new recruits for the Junior Olympics.

We hear the doors to the arena opening and a few seconds later five kids skate onto the ice in a clearly rehearsed positioning. I assess the new kids, in the center was a blonde girl in goalie pads which confused me a bit because we already had a goalie, a boy in a blue and red jersey who looked to be of Latin descent, a boy with brown hair wearing an orange jersey, a guy who looked like he was 17 in a black jersey, and lastly a cute, fairly short boy who looked to be of Chinese descent though I wasn't sure.

"Tell me about my new kids," Coach Bombay requests.

"That's Luis Mendoza. He's from our Miami club. A real speedster, incredible skater. I clocked him at 1.9 seconds blue line to blue line," Mr. Tibbles informed Mr. Bombay as the boy of Latin descent who I now know as Luis, begins showing off his skating.

"Good looking skater," Connie says from my right.

"Very good looking ..." my brother starts in a teasing tone.

"What do you think Guy?" I question in the same teasing tone.

"Shut up you two," Guy says as he goes to elbow both of us. I skated backwards slightly avoiding his arm, unlike my brother who gets hit, lets out an "Oof," and falls to the ground. I burst out laughing as I skated to his side and pulled him up.

"There's one minor problem ..." Mr. Tibbles continues.

"Aah!" lets out Luis as he rams into a wall, causing my brother and me to wince.

"He has a little trouble stopping," Mr. Tibbles finishes.

"I'd say so," I supply.

The rest of the new recruits go and help him up, "I almost had it that time," Luis defends.

"Yeah right," Goldberg laughs. In response to his snide comment, I skate over to him and shove him to the ice, causing my team to burst out laughing.

"Chill out Spini, it was just a joke," Goldberg insists, wincing in pain. I skate back over to Connie, Guy, and my brother. Connie gives me a small fist bump and we turn our attention back to the new players.

"Yee-Haw! How is everyone! Y'all ready to play some puck?" the boy with brown hair asks throwing a black cowboy hat off to the side.

"Hey look, it's Hop-a-long Gretzky," Jesse teases, causing my team to snicker while I just smile a little and roll my eyes.

"That's Dwayne Robertson, from Austin. He's the best puck handler I have ever seen," Mr. Tibbles says as we watch Dwayne start puck-handling.

"You mean for his age?" Coach clarifies. As I watch Dwayne continue to juggle the puck in midair, throwing it and catching it.

"No, I don't," Mr. Tibbles tells him.

"Hey, this is easier than ropin' hogs! Yee-haw!" Dwayne exclaims as he begins to handle the puck on the ice, at an impressive speed.

"He does have a tendency to showboat," Mr. Tibbles confides.

"Yahoo!" Dwayne cheers.

"Wow," Coach breathes out, clearly impressed.

"There's Julie 'The Cat' Gaffney. She won the State Championship for Maine three years in a row," Mr. Tibbles introduces the blonde girl in goalie pads.

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