Chapter 4 - Wheaties Boxes and Sleepovers

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Today Coach said he was taking us out to lunch because Mr. Tibbles had something to show us.  I was pretty excited to see what it is because that guy can be pretty weird. And after lunch, we had our first lesson with Miss. MacKay. And to finish off my day with the team, Coach said we were going to go rollerblading because he was unable to reserve the ice for us. I was also excited because tonight I was going over to Connie's house for a sleepover. Before Leslie and I left, I put my overnight bag by my front door so I could grab it when Mrs. Moreau came to pick me up.

When my brother and I met up with the team for lunch, there was a big black curtain draped over something in the middle of the room. I was so tempted to pull the drape off, which Fulton clearly saw, so he threw me over his shoulder.

"You can put me down Fulton," I complained.

"Not gonna happen until I know you are far away from that drape," he said with a chuckle. He sat me on the far end of a table, which happened to be right next to Kenny. Kenny and I spoke as we poked at our lunches, both of us super excited to find out what the surprise is. Pretty soon the whole team, Coach, Miss. MacKay, and Mr. Tibbles were there.

"Are you guys ready to see what is under this curtain?" Mr. Tibbles asks us. To which we all eagerly responded affirmatively.

"Ta-da!" he said as he pulled the drape off. Underneath the drape was a giant cereal box with our pictures on it.

"Wow!" "Awesome!" "Holy!" we all started looking at each other smiling. Who wouldn't be? We are on the front of a cereal box!

"Hey y'all that's us!" Dwayne said, pointing to the box.

"Duh, whatta ya know?" Fulton retorted sarcastically.

"Today, it's a Wheaties box. Tomorrow, it's video games, action figures, lunch boxes, the sky is the limit," Mr. Tibbles tells us. "But now, just to make sure everyone knows who you are, try on one of these," Mr. Tibbles says as he pulled out a team USA jersey out of a cardboard box.

"That's so cool," my brother and I say in sync. This causes both of us to laugh a bit. It happened a lot.  As everyone including myself were fawning over the new jerseys, Mr. Tibbles plugs his company.

"Brought to you by the most wonderful people at Hendrix. For all your hockey needs," he says. I don't think this guy could go a day without saying Hendrix Hockey Apparel.

"Fulton, there you go," Mr. Tibbles said, throwing Fulton his jersey, "Coach, here you go. Come on everybody, take your own, I'm not going to hand them to you." I started getting up with everyone else, but Kenny stopped me.

"I'll grab yours," Kenny told me with a smile.

"Thank you," I said, turning my head so he couldn't see my pink cheeks. I sat back down as Kenny went to grab our stuff. I made eye contact with Connie who started making a heart with her hands, pulling it towards and away from her chest. This caused me to blush again and look down at my feet. Kenny came back with my jersey and I thanked him before everyone returned to finishing their lunch.

After everyone finished their lunch, we followed Miss. MacKay outside where she would be teaching us. She said it was just until we made it to Los Angeles and she had a real classroom. We all sat on logs, picnic tables, and a tipped-over canoe as Miss. MacKay began her lecture.

"Ancient Greece was the beginning of western civilization. See, in Greece, they didn't have professional sports or Wheaties boxes. So, the athletes competed for another reason," Miss. MacKay lectured, "Anybody?"

"Falafels?" Goldberg questioned sarcastically.

"You wish Goldie," I said as everyone else laughed.

"Charlie," Miss. MacKay said, picking on the kid with his hand raised.

"Pride," Charlie answered.

"That's right. The various city-states waved their flags and wore their home colors proudly," Miss. MacKay continued.

"Did America always dominate?" Fulton asked seriously. A few people laughed at his comment.

"It's a good question," Dean defended him. I could tell those guys were gonna be really good friends.

"No, America wasn't around back then," Miss. MacKay answered kindly. A few people comforted Fulton at this response, but I could tell he was only a little embarrassed.

"Don't forget, compared to other countries, America is still young. Still forming its own identity," Miss. Mackay said, "America's a teenager, just like you."

"Like us?" Jesse questioned.

"You bet. A little awkward at times," Miss. MacKay said shooting a glance at Kenny and I sitting next to each other, "But always right there on the verge of greatness." Kenny looked at me and smiled as I smiled right back at him.

After Miss. MacKay finished her lecture, Coach came over and told us to get our rollerblading gear and new team USA tracksuits on. He got into a small cart and took us down a paved trail.

"I don't know what I've been told!" Coach started as we skated behind him.

"I don't know what I've been told!" we repeated.

"Team USA's gonna win the gold!" Coach continued as we continued skating, me having a small race with Connie.

"Team USA's gonna win the gold!" we repeated once again.

"Listen up and listen good!" Coach chanted as we all jumped down from a small hill.

"Listen up and listen good!" we echoed.

"We're all headed for Hollywood!" Coach said as we skated in front of the cart, weaving in and out of each other.

"We're all headed for Hollywood!" we chanted.

"Sound off!" Coach yelled after us.

"One, two!" we counted skating down the path.

"Sound off!" Coach repeated.

"Three, four!" we yelled. When we were finally back to the center of the park, Coach told us we were free to go.

My brother and I quickly skated home. I changed out of my tracksuit into some comfy clothes as I waited for the Moreau's to pick me up. Pretty soon I saw their car pull up as I grabbed my bag and yelled goodbye to my parents and brother. Connie and I chatted the whole car ride back to her house and as soon as we got there, she pulled me into her room. Before I even got the chance to put my bag down she squealed.

"Geez, what was that for? Are you trying to kill my eardrums?" I questioned laughing at her excitement.

"No, but if you don't tell me what is going on between you and Kenny, I definitely will," Connie said, flopping onto her bed. I flopped next to her and let out a dramatic sigh.

"Nothing," I tell her.

"You just lied right to my face," she informed me.

"Okay, so maybe I think he's cute," I tell her, a hint of pink on my cheeks.

"By maybe, you mean you do think he's cute," she clarified.

"Yes, I think he's cute," I told her shaking my head and smiling. Connie squealed again. We talked about my crush on Kenny for a little bit before her mom informed us the pizza arrived. We went downstairs to eat. When we got back up to her room, we gossiped and listened to some cassettes.

"Wait, so are you and Guy boyfriend and girlfriend yet," I questioned looking at my best friend on the floor.

"Not yet, but I hope soon," she tells me blushing a bit.

"If he doesn't man up soon my wedding plans for you guys will be toast," I say dancing around to some random song playing. She laughed at my response as we continued talking about random things.

"Girls, time for bed. Goodnight!" Mrs. Moreau said poking her head through the door.

"Night!" we both say, climbing into Connie's bed. A sleepover with Connie was really needed. And time away from my brother was an added bonus. I was excited about Connie, Julie, and I getting to share a dorm room in LA. I can tell playing for team USA is gonna be the start of many strong relationships for me and my team.

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