Super Important A/N

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Hey guys! I just wanted to let you guys know how I'm feeling about the 2D x Reader. I already hate how I've written it. There are so many things I wanted to include originally, and I realize if I did put them in the story, the story might have made a lot more sense, and it could have been a lot more interesting. I'm sorry about that. So I have a couple of options that I hope you guys can help me decide on.

1. Just straight up stop writing this book and re-write it. (with the same storyline, just written better)

2. Just update, edit, and fix the current book (you guys might end up getting unimportant notifications)

3. Just continue writing the book with how it's written now and worry about it later.

I'm so sorry about the dilemma and I wanted to know your guys' opinion on it before I start writing chapter 2. Let me know as soon as possible, please.


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