Chapter 1 - Beginnings (Part One)

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(1943 - Battle of Azzano. Krausberg)

Members of the 107th were being held captive in a Hydra prisoner camp led by Johann Schmidt and his right hand, Dr. Arnim Zola. It also held a secret arms factory and laboratory where some prisoners were used as either slave labor or lab rats.

“As you can see, production of the Valkyrie is progressing on schedule; even with components of this size.” The spectacled scientist relayed to his superior.

“Increase the output by 60% and see to it our other facilities do the same.”

“But these prisoners, I’m not sure they have the strength.”

“Then use up what strength they have left, Doctor. There are always more workers.”

“And what of our experiments?” Zola asked. “Every prisoner we subjected to our mind amplification serum tests have perished… all except for one.  That nurse. For some reason, she has been able to withstand every trial, no matter the intensity.”

“Then, what is the problem? All it takes is one success, Herr Zola. As with the Valkyrie, she will be the future of Hydra's continued dominance. Her DNA will serve as the lynchpin of a new breed of super soldiers.” Johann sneered. “See to it she is secured for transfer.”

A little while later, Steve Rogers, with the help of Peggy Carter and Howard Stark, landed behind enemy lines and launched a one man rescue mission to free the remaining P.O.W.’s. After releasing those held captive, including those who would be the Howling Commandos, Steve fought through Hydra’s forces and reached the laboratories where he caught Zola making his exit.  He was about to give chase when he hears the exhausted groan of a woman.  Steve rams down the door of a locked room to find the missing nurse strapped to what looked like Satan's version of a dentist's chair with an IV attached to her arm; her skin was pale, but she was otherwise alive.

“Georgia?” He whispered.

The young nurse’s eyes flickered open. Her vision was blurry, but soon cleared and focused on Steve's face.

“Rogers? Is that you?”

“Yeah, kiddo. I'm getting you out of here.” He begins ripping the straps from her arms and legs, places a sterile cotton ball and band aid on the puncture mark where the IV was and helps her to her feet.

“Wait! Steve…” She gasps. “Bucky is here.”

“What?” He asked with wide eyes.

“He's here.”

Steve's blue eyes lit up with hope when she said that.

“Do you know where he is?”

“Across the hall. I saw Zola take him in there before I got strapped in.”

The star-spangled soldier wanted nothing more than to just rush into the other room and save his best friend; but his current priority was the nurse he just rescued.

“I'm getting you out of here first.”

Steve carried Nurse Georgia Brown out of the factory and handed her to a couple of the escaped prisoners.

“Get her out of here. Protect her with your lives! I'm going back in!”

“You got it, Cap!” The soldier affirmed.

With a nod, Steve ran back in to the room Georgia said held Bucky. He was muttering his name, rank and serial number when Steve rescued him.

“I thought you were dead.”

“I thought you were smaller.”

Schmidt had initiated the self-destruct sequence and the factory was exploding around them; but Steve, Bucky and the P.O.W's escaped thanks to some acquired Hydra weapons and returned home to a hero’s welcome. Georgia Brown was returned to her fiance’, Sgt. Malcolm “M. K.” Banks. When the time came to raid the Hydra bases Steve memorized from Zola’s map, he already had a team in mind for the job: his Howling Commandos. Steve was talking it over with them in a London pub when they realized they'd need some medical support and they knew just who to call.

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