Two Sad Drunks in a Bar

Start from the beginning

"You gonna be okay getting home, kid?" he asked Anti, "I can call you a cab for later if you'd like?"

Anti shook his head, "Nah, it's fine. I'll be walking home. I live just a couple blocks down that way" he pointed.

Duke nodded, feeling a bit better about pouring him drinks and motioned to the man on Anti's right, "And you? What'll you have? Same, still?"

The man had a hoodie and cap on his head. It was hard to see his face but Anti wasn't snoopy and didn't bother to even look at the man.

"Same" the voice was cracked and came out in a drawl. He must have been there for a while now.

Duke poured this other man a shot of the same whiskey as Anti's and he tossed it back just as quickly if not a little messier.

Anti sighed heavily, thinking about everything. He didn't actually think he'd be able to turn Henrik and Jameson. Least of all Chase. Sean had FORCED Anti to almost kill all of them. He made him choke Henrik. The first time he met Jameson, really, Sean made Anti cut his throat for a video. Granted, it was a shallow cut but Anti didn't think Sean realized the pain he's put them all through.

At least Anti HOPED Sean didn't realize that.

He had hurt Chase the most and the father didn't even realize who had pulled the strings all this time. Sean had created Stacey and the kids just as Mark had created Celine. A side-character.

Only to be thrown aside like nothing.

It broke Chase and for some reason, he thought Anti had everything to do with it. 

Sean made Stacey and the kids disappear because it didn't benefit the story he wanted. So in turn, it made Chase think Stacey divorced him and left with the kids. Only to think later that Anti killed them afterwards.

It was all a lie, of course. Fabricated. Anti was forced to possess Chase . . .. 

That's where Anti got the idea to possess Henrik and Jameson to try and get through to them after he had broken free of Sean. Only to discover it had done more harm than good.

No. . . . they'd never believe him. Jackie and Marvin only believe him because he hadn't possessed them. Invaded their minds.

That was it.

Anti downed shot after shot until half the bottle was gone. The man on his right had his own bottle he was working down, too, it seemed.

Anti wondered what HIS sorrows were. . . . .. until he saw his dinner coming, that is and his thoughts went elsewhere.

Chase ordered the same whiskey as the man on his left.

'Love Honey Whiskey. Never find it elsewhere' his thoughts were jumbled by now. He had been there way longer than the man next to him.

'Be better if I were alone . . . Them wings smell good . . .. . I better not. Sean will wonder why his money's gone. But also . . . . what the hell'

"Barkeep" he mumbled. 

The man turned to him slightly, "Yeah?"

Chase nodded to the wings and fries the other man had next to him, "Can I get that, too? Smells good"

"Sure thing, sir" Duke wrote down the order and went to take it to the kitchen.

The guy beside Chase was stuffing his face, "It IS good . . . . wings not too spicy and  . . salty fries"

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