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It's ok (y/n), Ik what happened. I said trying to comfort her.

Readers POV:
I woke up due to being super hot. I let out a small groan before fully opening my eyes.

"Mornin." A super familiar voice says.

I look up and see Killua. No wonder why I was sweating, he's a human heater!

Killua, why are you in my room? I asked Killua.

"So my room is your room now?" Killua asked, I sit up so I could look around to see that this was in fact Killua's room.

"You probably were used to getting nightmares and just coming straight to me." He says while sitting up with me.

Oh I remember now.. I said sheepishly.

"Same one as normal?" Killua asked, I nodded in response.

"Killua you up?" Gon asks from the other side of the door. I started to freak out now.

"Yeah come in." Killua says, not noticing I'm freaking out!

"Oh (y/n)! You're in here?" Gon asks confused.

It's not what it looks like Gon! I honestly don't know how I got in here. I tried explaining.

"She had a nightmare and wondered in here." Killua helped out.

"Oh well (y/n) what was it about?" Gon asked.

"I don't even know, she never told me." Killua pouts.

It's better if you don't know, now I'm gonna make money! I said avoiding the question.

"I'm gonna try and make it to the 200th floor!" Gon says happily.

"Same here I guess." Killua says while standing up.

Let go then! I exclaimed.

The whole day we kept doing matches over matches. The one match I might've broken this guys bones.

Finally we made it to the 200th floor. My clothing from the last match got ripped so I snuck into Killua's room.

I grabbed one of his black long sleeve shirt and I grabbed a pear of grey sweatpants I brought along.

"(Y/n)! I've been looking for you, we need to learn nen before we continue on.." as the voice came closer from behind me they eventually stopped talking.

Hm? Oh hey Killua! I said happy to see him.

"T-that's mine.." Killua noticed, as soon as he saw me he noticed.

Oh yeah, my clothing got ripped a bit so I borrowed one of your shirts if you don't mind. I said not caring if he minds or not.

"N-no not at all." Killua says with pink on his face.

Killua's POV:
N-no not at all. I said, feeling my face heat up.

I honestly don't mind it's just, she's never worn my clothing ever besides twice. Now and the last time.

She looks good in my clothing. I smirk at my thought. Well not to brag to myself but I have amazing fashion sense.

"Killua? You good, what did you want to tell me?" Her words snapped me out of my thoughts.

Oh yeah, our friend Zushi, his master is gonna teach us- I stop my speaking due to her chuckling a bit.

What's so funny? I ask her laughing figure.

"H-his master, what does he work at a maid cafe?" (Y/n) asks while trying to hold her laughter.

No, anyway. I said letting her know she needs to be mature right now.

Electric life (Killua x reader)Where stories live. Discover now