Make me scream: S

116 7 1

•kinda BDSM
•Handcuff Play
•Sassy Ten

"I'm sick and tired of not getting laid for a whole month, can you believe that?! Ugh not to mention the last guy was a total creepy, like I don't understand why I can't just find someone who's willing to not completely do BDSM....I know but...I sure hope, anyways I gotta go I think my roommate is here, say hi to Lucas for me" I end the phone call with Jungwoo, while I'm sitting on the couch i start scrolling through insta, so Johnny doesn't talk to me.

I live in a dorm with Johnny, my roommate. I go to a university abroad, so it's not surprising to have a dormitory there.

If I were to be asked if I liked my roommate, I would say... that I absolutely, with every blood cell in my body, HATE my roommate.

Yeah he may be hot, or sexy, but he's straight and he doesn't take his shoes' off when he enters our dorm, he ends up dirtying the whole place, leaving me to clean it all up! He's unbelievable!

Just as I was about to burst from Johnny being an ass, he put a small cake in front of me.

What the hell?

"Uh can I help you?" I say with a very confused and annoyed voice, "...what got up your ass this time?" Johnny says walking to the kitchen to put his keys back while giggling at his comment.

At this point I felt like I was going to pop a vein. "...Could be you if you don't stop talking.." I say under my breath, thinking he didn't hear what I said, I scoffed and started to head for my room.

I didn't make it though because I was stopped, my wrist was grabbed while I was trying to walk away.

"Did you really think I didn't hear that?" Johnny says as he moves his hands on my hip, giving it a tight hold. I was freaking the fuck out.

"Wha- I-i was just joking, you don't have to take everything seriously..." I say with a frustrated face, i was getting more and more nervous as he started moving closer.

"Really, So what is dick or my mouth that's gonna be in your ass?" Johnny says with the most fuckboyest of fuckboys smirk. I was internally dying, but I'm a boss bitch and I'm obviously not going to let this simp sway me. His gotta be the one to be a moaning mess in the end.

"Depends if your any good... though I highly doubt" I say with a suggestive smile on my face, as I take Johnny's hands off my hip, and leave to my room. Right behind was Johnny.

"I'm better than good.." Johnny said locking my door behind him.

That's when he took off his jacket as I laid on my bed looking him up and down. He was wearing a dark gray shirt that showed off his muscles, and paired with black ripped jeans, "liking the view?" Johnny said with a smirk on his face as he got closer to me almost getting fully on top of me. His comment made my face heat up like crazy.

"What's not to like? When your straight roomie suddenly wants to fuck... I say let's do it" I said looking him the eye, as he starts slipping his hands in my shirt and kisses my neck, I can't help but feel like it's a dream.

Johnny starts unbuttoning my pants as his kisses move down my body. He was close to kissing my dick that I accidentally whined for there to be more friction, making Johnny look up at me with a sexual smirk.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Mar 01, 2022 ⏰

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