Chapter 1

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"Nothing's going on Nash." I say.

"I'm pretty sure it looks like your on a date" Nash says.

"Man, it wasn't anything. I asked if we could go to dinner" Matt says.

"Nash I'm not dating you, your not my boyfriend, you never even asked me on a date." I roll my eyes. I then realize everyone's staring at us.

"Well maybe if you weren't such a bitch I would have asked you out!" Nash yells and walks out.

"Fuck you Nash!" I scream back.

I take Matt's hand and we walk out. as soon as we get to the limo and get in I start to cry.

"I can't believe him" I manage to say.

"Amanda, don't cry please. I'm sorry I shouldn't have done this." He says.

"No, I just ruined your friendship." I cry.

We arrive back at the hotel and walk upstairs. As we walk into our room Cam runs up to us.

"Where have you been?" He asks.

"I went out with Matt and Nash showed up and called me a bitch" I cry.

"I heard." He says.

I walk to my stuff and take off everything and change into sweats and a crop top. I walk to the bathroom and stand in the mirror. I look at my self.

Why am I so ugly? Why can't I just be normal? Am I a bitch? Does matt like me? Does Nash like me more than Matt?

I want to rip out my hair. I leave before I hurt myself more. As I walk out I see Cameron in one bed and Matt in the other.

"You can sleep with Cameron tonight" Matt says.

"Okay" I whisper back and Cam smiles.

I walk to his bed and lay down in front of him. He puts his arms around me while I stare at Matt across the room. I have the urge to just get up, and kiss him. I have a feeling I just want to do something sexual with Matt. I want to lay next to him.

"I love you Matt" I blurt out.

I quickly jump up and see it's pitch black in our room. I check my phone and see its 2 AM.

It was only a dream.

"Whats wrong??" Cameron asked.

"What happened?" I ask.

"You came home from your date, changed and came to bed with me." Cam shrugs.

"Oh" I whisper.

I never told Matt I love him.

"Are you ok?" He asks.

"Yep, just a dream" I fake smile.

"Goodnight" he cuddles next to me and I feel his bulge.

"Are you ok?" He laughs when I jump.

"Yeah it's just.. your-

"My dick, I know it's hard right now because it's in your ass" He laughs.

"Oh" I giggle.

"Goodnight" I lay back down again, this time actually falling asleep.

Hope you enjoy! It was short but hey! I actually will miss the first Royalty but it's a new start! Please tell me if after this sequel I should do like a Jack and Jack book where they fight over a girl or a lovey-dovey Cameron book? Love you xx Tabitha

Royalty #2 (SEQUEL)Where stories live. Discover now