"You are crying, Y/n. Idiot, that's not your grandpa. If someone would cry it should be me." You heard him say. You touched your cheek and indeed felt a wet liquid running down. You were indeed crying. "You're pretty weird. But I'm starting to really like you." You quickly looked up, again noticing his genuine and beautiful smile.

"Well, I think we should go home. Your parents must be wondering where you are." He suggested and you looked down. Your parents... Those people would never worry about you... "Yes, you're right. They must be really worried about me..." You lied and his eyes narrowed. "I see, you're a bad liar, hm? They either are dead or they don't seem to be on good terms with you." He concluded and your eyes widened in shock. "What?? How did you tell? Is that an ability from Crazy Diamond too??" You asked and he shook his head. "You avoided my gaze. Plus, your voice sounded very sarcastic. Didn't you hear yourself?"

You sighed and turned around. "You're good. You are right about both the death and the bad terms. My real parents died in a car accident. I survived thanks to my stand. Well, that's what I think... And my adoptive family is...well, tough to deal with." You explained and looked at him. "Yours on the other hand seems to be great, Josuke. No one with bad parents or siblings would be as kind and happy as you are. So please stay with your family. It's the best way for all of you to go through this hard time of loss." You told him and turned your head around again wanting to leave.

"Wait, Y/n." You heard him and turned around. This time he was rather serious. "Before I forget. There's an evil stand user in the city. The enemy's stand can travel through water and turn into water too." He warned you and you gulped, nodding in response. "That stand is the cause of my grandfather's death." He warned and you felt a cold shiver run down your spine. This stand user was the cause of his grandfather's death?... "I don't want to lose a friend. Koichi already knows about the stand." He told you and you took a deep breath to collect yourself again.

He just called you a friend. While dealing with the loss of a family member and attack of an enemy. "I'll take care of myself. You might have a hard time right now but don't forget to take care of yourself too, ok?" He nodded and smiled. "I will. Don't worry about me, Y/n. Worry about yourself more." He answered and you nodded. "Um..." You started, causing him to raise his eyebrow in confusion. "This might be bold for a girl who knows you for a little more than a day. Please don't take this the wrong way." You warned him and closed your eyes. Forget your insecurities for a minute, Y/n. Someone in front of you has a hard time and you have the opportunity to help this person.

You approached him and wrapped your arms around him. This weird feeling of another person's body perfectly fitting in your arms... The last time you hugged someone felt like it was forever ago. You suddenly missed your parents. You missed the strong arms of your father after you jumped into them as soon as he got back from work. You barely remembered his or your mother's face. Already forgot how his or your mother's voices sounded like... If it wasn't for your documents you would have forgotten their names too. You felt terrible for that.

A sudden warmth broke you out of your thoughts, causing you to come back to reality. Strong arms were wrapped around you and embraced you. You felt safe in those arms, just like in those of your father. But it felt different. And it felt right. You noticed a faint scent of perfume, which wasn't too strong. It was a rather sweet scent, indicating to you that it was more of a unisex perfume. And the sweetness in scent perfectly fit Josuke, who seemed rather soft than tough. Yet, you felt like a strong man held you in his embrace.

"I hope this time you feel less awkward in my arms." You heard his voice, which calmed you down even more at first. ...Only to realize what he meant. Your eyes ripped open and you looked up to him, starting to blush madly. He looked down at you and smirked. You quickly let go of him and hid your face. "Oh my god, Josuke!!" You yelled and stepped away from him. He was referring to that accident of the two of you!! "Hahaha that was cute!" He noticed and still laughed. You peeked through your fingers, stepping away from him a little more.

"I hope my hug cheered you up... A-At least a little bit." You told him, still stepping away and covering your face. Yet, he approached you and gently grabbed your hands, pushing them away from your face. "It did. The hug felt very genuine. It felt different from everything I ever experienced... but it felt good." He told you and you felt your heart starting to race. You didn't know what to say...

"Also, this might be a little off topic. But did you notice how your stand Angel Eyes caught Koichi in time before falling? You didn't seem like you noticed that but I did. So I'm thanking you in his place." He told you and your eyes widened. "Angel Eyes caught him??" He nodded. "You would have seen Crazy Diamond if I would have caught him. But I noticed something invisible who pushed him back up when he just started to fall." He explained and you were speechless. You tried to intentionally lead the actions of your stand the whole night. And now he told you that you did something different from it protecting you, without you even knowing??

"That was the first time your stand actively did something, didn't it?" He asked and you nodded. "I tried to summon my stand like you do with Crazy Diamond. Or grab stuff with it. But the fact that it's invisible makes stuff hard. I can't see if I do stuff right." You admitted and he put his hand on your shoulder.

"Tomorrow after school we will try to work on your stand. Your company seems to help me deal with my loss, so it would be a win-win for both of us." He suggested and you looked up to meet his beautiful eyes. He was smiling down at you. "That would sound great...!" You answered and he nodded. "Fine then. We will see each other tomorrow, ok?" You returned his smile and nodded. "Yes. Take care, Josuke." You answered and he nodded. "You too." He said and turned around to leave. His back faced you but he still waved you goodbye, his other hand in his pocket.

You watched him leave, still overwhelmed by everything that happened now. A gentle breeze blew from the front and let your body feel cold. This was when you noticed how warm your body felt near him. It was a comforting warmth that made you feel safe. You still felt his arms around you. Your heart still raced.

What did this guy do to you?

To be continued...

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