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So. I'm in the back of my mom's car trying-not sucseeding-to control a wriggling ball of black fluff. I picked up my new kitten and gave her a shake.

"Amber! Stop acting so mad! What are you trying to do? Destroy the whole car?"

"Kristina!" My mom's voice came from the front of the car."What did I tell you about distracting me while I'm driving?"


My pillow-I'd hung onto it this morning, meaning to go back to sleep in the car-was lying next to me.I ripped the pillow case of and shoved Amber inside. I held the squirming pillow case above my head and grinned. Problem solved.

Or not. Amber's claws were sharp and she ripped the pillow case to shreds in less than a minute. Darn! There goes my favourite pillow case.

"Mrow meorw fffft ffffft ffft!" That was Amber, destroying my pillow case.

"KRISTINA CARTER!!!!!" That was my mom getting annoyed.

"What?'' That was me feeling frustrated.

"What did I just tell you?"

I sighed. This was going to be a long trip.

It was.

When Amber was eventually dragged, hissing and crawling through the door she sprang out of my grasp and started running in circles tike a broken toy car.

"Kristina!" yelped my mom "Get that....''

Mom paused, probably adding expeletives in her head.

"...cat out of my sight!"

I did. And my arms were not a pretty sight afterwards. My bedroom was going to be wrecked in a moment.

Apparently not. On entering, Amber stood still as a statue, gazing with wide eyes at my mirror.

Truce over. She attacked her reflection with an intensity rarely seen in army tanks.

When Amber had finished shredding her reflection, my mirror was covered in scratches and she had torn a claw. The tiny kitten yelped around my room on three paws. Filthy little hypochondriac.

You can never stay cross at a wounded kitten for long. I managed thirty seconds before sighing and going off to collect some things.

Ten minutes later Amber sat on my pillows, a smug expression on her face. I had shoved a spoonfull of baby painkillers down her throat and wrapped her tiny paw in the smallest stretchy bandage I could find. She was eating sardines and getting fishy smelling liquid all over my bed.



Hi, my little bananas / flying unicorns / whatever you want to call yourself

I updated! (you may now thank me)



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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2013 ⏰

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