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I walked, or rather, stomped down the hallway. I could hear mom and Laura chatting. I was only half listening but tuned in properly when,well, I don't know how to put it. Here's an idea.

MOM: So where did you meet him?

LAURA: At church, I think. Do you go to church?

MOM: I used to. That's where I met Kristina's father.

LAURA: Where is he now.

MOM: He died. A heart attack.


As you can imagine, the conversation fizzled out after that.

We got to the 'cat room' and saw the kittens for the first time. If you don't know this yet, let me tell you that six week old puppies are not as cute as six week old kittens. Think infinately cute. Think little ball of fluff with a tiny tail and enourmous eyes. The only one not eating was on a climbing trip up Mnt. Momma Cat. Suddenly, it disappeared. I looked around and eventually found it. Climbing Mnt. My Leg.

I pried the little ball of black fluff off my stockings and cuddled it close. The kitten gazed up with big amber eyes. My heart melted instantly.

"Laura," I asked,"Is this kitten a boy or a girl?"

"A girl."she said"Is that the one you want?''

"Yes! She's so cute!"

"That's great! Now, Mrs Carter, we need to discuss payment. How 'bout we leave Kristina here with the kittens?"

"Well," said mom,"I guess..."

"That's all right then! Let's go!"

They walked off and left me with the kittens. Great.

Have you ever experienced a Saturday morning when you would like to be sleeping but instead are looking after nine fluffy energetic kittens?Tiny kittens are fun to play with when you are properly awake, but when you are half asleep...

Cats, Birthdays and Other Causes for suicideWhere stories live. Discover now