Chapter 5 ( Rules and two dads?)

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A/N i will try to make this chapter long so enjoy!:)

Lilly's POV

Right now we are in a car on out way to out new home. Im cinda nerves tho. Addie is smiling while looking out the window but i am just looking at my lap and thinking. I think Louis noticed cuz he is wispering somthing to harry who is sitting next to him.

''Hey Lilly and Addison how about we play a car game?'' Louis said.

''Sure'' I said softly.

''Lilly sweetie you need to speak up we cant hear you.'' Louis said and i just got mad.

''YES IS THIS BETTER!?'' I screamd and all the boys coverd their ears but not liam cuz he was driving and addie just stated to laugh.

''Ok ok not that loud. How about we play I spy?'' Louis said.

''I WANT TO START!!'' Niall yelled. Me and Addie started to laugh. All the boys awwed and we just rolled out eyes.

''I spy with my little eye two cuties.'' Niall said and the it was louis turn.

''I spy with my little eye Home.'' Louis said and i looked out the window. We were aoutside a big house and i mean BIG house.

''Wow....' i said looking amazed and all the boys started to laugh. I looked at Addie and saw that she was amazed as well hehe it wasent just me. 

''Lets go inside now shall we?'' Zayn said and i nodded. I went out of the car and waited for Addie to come out to. I grabed her hand and we satrted to walk to the BIG house.

''Girls when we come inside we need to talk to you ok?'' Liam said and i nodded and addie said

''Okay Lima bean!'' Everyone exsept me started to laugh. 

''I like that name Addison.'' Liam said while ruffling her hair and she started to giggle.

''Boys please call me Addie.'' Addie said to looking at the boys. The boys nodded befor Louis came to me and picked me up while harry did the same to Addie. I was quiet the whole time. Louis and Harry put us on the couch while the rest of the boys came and sat down aswell.

''Ok girls now we have some rules and som things you need to know ok?'' Liam said. We nodded

''That brings me to rule number one. We have noticed that you Lilly tend to always nod when we say somthing to you so from now on we want you to answer us with yeses or noes and same goes to you Addie.'' Louis said i nodded but then i got sa serious look from louis.

'' Yes.'' I said.

''Now rule nuber two dont do anything without any of us boys saying its fine ok?'' 

''Yes.'' me and addie said.

''Rule number three is the last rule no cooking in the kitchen without any of us ok?'' Liam said.

''Ok.'' i said 

''Now girls we have somthing more we want to tell you.'' Harry now said.

''Ok.'' me and addie said.

''So i thik you guys are probaly wondering who your dad is im i right.'' Harry said.

'' Yes who is it?'' Addie asked.

''Its actually two of us its Me and louis we are together so we are going to be your dads.'' Louis said as he went over to harry and kissed him on the cheek. I started to giggle.

''Kissing is disgusting hahah!'' I said laughing.

''Oh is it now.'' Louis and Harry said as they came over to me and addie and started to kiss us all over our faces.

''EWW STOP IT!'' I yelled laughing. addie was also laughing.

''Ok ok i think that is enough kissing for today.'' Harry said while him and louis let us go.

''I think its time for a house tour.'' Zayn said. We started with the kitchen and let me tell you it was BEAUTIFUL! Then we moved on to the backyard and it had a trampoline and a BIG pool. Then we moved on to the living room but we had already seen that. After that we went up stairs. First we went into Zayn's room and there were hair stuff i think all over the place.

''Zayn loves his hair if you already diden't noticed girls.'' Liam said smiling big.

'' Yup we noticed.'' Addie said looking down on me.

''Lets go to the other rooms now shall we?'' Louis said.

''Yes sure.'' addie said.

We walked into another room and there were pictures of Harry all over the room?

''This is my room as you can see my beautiful boyfriend is all over the walls and some other places.'' louis said as he smiled at harry. harry smiled at louis before we walked out of louis room and into i think harrys and it had louis all out the walls and other places as well. Then we walked into liams room and it was all clean and stuff.

''So girls are actually sharing a room is that fine?'' Harry said.

''I actually wanted to share a room with addie anyway so its fine with me.'' I said looking at my sister and then at the boys smilling.

'' Lets go inside now shall we?'' Louis said and let me just tel you it was BEAUTIFUL

'' Lets go inside now shall we?'' Louis said and let me just tel you it was BEAUTIFUL

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Lilly's and Addison's room

''Wow...'' i said looking around the room.

''Do you like it girls?'' Niall said looking at me and addie.

'' We love it!'' We said at the same time while we ran to our beds.I had the top one and addie had the botton one. 

''Girls its getting late so how about we order some pizza and then you can go to sleep alright?'' Louis said.

''Sure lou.'' Addie said.

So then we just ate some pizza and me and addie said god night to the boys and went upstairs. We changed into out pj's and layed down in our new beds. 

''Hey addie are you awake?'' I wispered to my sister.

''Yes lilly what is it im tired i want to sleep.'' she wispered back.

''Do you like this new life?'' I asked.

''I actually think it will be great and is great lil sis now go to sleep ok?'' addie said.

''Ok addie night.'' i said while i closed my eyes.

''Night lilly.'' was the last thing i heared before darknes took over me.....

A/N I really like this chapter so i hope you do aswell. This chapter is about 1060 words and i think that will be how long the chapters are going to be. I will post about 1-2 times a week cuz i have school and football


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