chapter five

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Fuck, I forgot I have to go meet Jason for our science project. I was originally going to walk but vehicle it is, I guess.

As I got there, swiftly hopping of my bike, I was greeted by Jason. "Your bike is awesome!" Exclaimed Dick, being his usual starry eyed self.

"Thanks." I smiled sincerely, turning my head towards Jason.

"I'm pretty sure you already know everyone but let's do some introductions anyhow." Said Jason pointing to his family behind him.

"Sure, why not?" I shrugged nonchalantly. It'll help me get a better grasp of their personalities.

"This is Damian but we call him Demon Spawn. He loves threatening people, though, you probably know that by now."
I wanted to laugh but I probably ended up grimacing. Yeah, he does that a lot.

"This is Tim. He loves coffee. Honestly, it's his only real personality trait." That made Dick cackle in the background.

"This is Richard but we call him Dick. He likes to make stupid dad jokes that no one in their right minds would like." That fits.

"Then, there is me, Jason. I'm awesome, of course, and clearly the only tolerable one here." Clearly, I thought, rolling my eyes playfully. To which he let out a soft laugh.

"Now that the introductions are over, how about starting the project?" I asked.

(five minutes after leaving the manor)

There was a loud crash. I started coughing and looked up to see that it was the Joker cackling like an idiot.

"Hello." He drawled. No. No. Nope. Not today. I started walking in the opposite direction. It was more like sprinting really.

To be fair, a literal murderer was chasing me.

"Hey! Where are you going? We haven't even started talking yet?" He complained loudly, running after me.

(another five minutes later in some random bar after I ran out of stamina)

"So, you're saying you want me to call you Uncle J?" I groaned holding my head in my hands, feeling exasperated beyond belief.

"Exactly! Now you're getting it!" He grinned impossibly wider. Which would have been nice if it weren't incredibly off putting.

"Sure." I murmured retreating into my chair and ordering a drink.

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