chapter four

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I was hanging from one of the branches of a tree then I flipped down to the floor and promptly fell asleep.

That was until a dog came licking my face and I looked at his collar and it said Titus. He was surprisingly cute? Me and Titus stayed under the tree until I saw someone come up to me and yell,

"Titus, why'd you leave?" Asked the boy. Instead of answering, Titus started running around me and barking at the boy. I started snickering, it was funny.

"Please let me pay you back for your help." Said the boy in a way that sounded rehearsed. I raised an eyebrow.

"How?" I questioned.

"Come to the manor." What about stranger danger, still, I'll play along.

"The manor?"

"I'm Damien Wayne and I'm humbly inviting you to my home as thanks. You should be grateful." He almost snarled.

"Sure why not." We're all gonna die sometime.


"Tim, Jason?" I questioned.

"You know each other?" Damien asked annoyed. Is this kid ever not annoyed?

"We're temporarily classmates." I explained.

"Isn't that wonderful?" Asked Damian sarcastically.

"Why is she here anyway, demon spawn, not that I'm complaining." He said while letting out a low whistle.

"I'm here to thank her." He practically spat out with disgust, dragging me off to his room presumably.

Anyhow, let's just say after we talked, he wasn't so unbearable anymore.


I bumped into Tim again, for fuck's sake (was this mf stalking me?), still, we had a conversation until we got to school. He's actually quite funny in an unintentional sarcastic way.

When, we parted ways after talking, I headed of to science.

"What are we going to do for our project pixie pop?"

"I was thinking we do a project on organic chemistry."


Class was over and I went outside for a little bit to relax. And that's exact what i was doing until Lie-la came up to me.

"Seeing all your friends leave you must hurt. Still, I could always do worse." She smiles wide. Ah, sociopathic bitch, I missed you!

"Lie-la, you may think you're smarter than me but remember, all you have is because of me, your so called friends are your friends only because I permit it. You're nothing until I say you're something.

Kay?" I questioned before waving to Damian merrily.

"Hey, Damian."

"Hey, Malak." Replied Damian while Tim and Jason stood behind Damian groaning.

"Hi, to you guys too." I relented, smiling.

"Thank you!" Exclaimed Jason. Weird...

"Did you guys hear that there's going to be a talent show?" Muttered Tim.

"Yeah, but I'm not entering." I said decisively.

"Why not?" Wondered Tim.

"Because Lie-la is a hundred percent going to sabotage me, I mean, she literally just threatened me earlier." I sighed.

"We should kill her." Murmured Damian.

"We don't do that anymore, remember?" Reminded or rather chastised Jason. I'm pretty sure my eyebrows shot up through my head.

"They're obviously joking." Glared Tim at his brothers.

Yeah, I'm not so sure about that.

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