12 Visions

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~*Jay POV*~

 We entered a clearing to find 30 wolves fighting each other. I used a link to find that only a few were our own. I directed the wolves following me to attack and pin.

I tackled the largest wolf. I pinned him to the ground easily. 'What are you doing in Sky territory?'

He growled so I placed my paw against his throat. My claws dug into his skin drawing blood. 'Answer me or I'll kill you and all of your comrades.'

He yelped, 'Ok, ok, we were sent to infiltrate and take the Lycan by force. Alpha Charles demands the wolf to be brought to him.'

I let out a feral growl. I take my paw away from his neck and bite his ear. I rip his ear to shreds in one bite. 'Let that be a warning for if you return to my land.'

He yelped and scampered off the territory when I let him go. All of his comrades followed him at his heel.

A few of our wolves made sure they left completely. I scouted the perimeter as an extra measure of protection. I directed for the dead to be taken to their families. We had lost at least 10 wolves and the intruders left 5 of their own dead.

I headed back to the main house to check on Claire. Hopefully she is well and none of the trespassers had gotten to her.

'Jay, sir, your needed at the house. Beta Jason calls for you.' One of the wolves on patrol links to me for a moment.

I race to the house and burst through the dog door. I run up the steps and arrive into Jason's room. I borrow some clothes to shift and run to Claire's room. I find Jason trying to put a wet rag on Claire's forehead.

Claire twists in her sleep tossing the rag away. She mumbles and grabs at the sheets. I run over and try to wake her but it fails. "Jay she's been like this since you left. She called for you a moment ago but I can't make out what else she's saying."

I sigh as my wolf howls inside of me. He is worried for Claire as much as I am.

I see Jason open his mouth to speak but Claire jots up, wide awake. "Is everyone ok? I feel as if I was one of the intruders."

Jason stares at Claire in shock. I'm the only one that speaks. "Claire you were with Jason the entire time. I left after you passed out and took care of them. There are gone don't worry."

She nodds and her stomach growls. She laughs and blushes. "I guess that I'm hungry." 

I nodd and head down stair to make her some ramen. After it done I take it to her and sit next to her in her bed. Jason seemed to be explaining the thing that happened with her. They are calling it a vision and saying that it must be part of her Lycan abilities.

~*Claire POV*~

Jason believe that sight I witnessed is a vision. As Jay sits next to me in bed, I scoot closer to be comforted.

The last day and a half have been hectic and I haven't gotten much sleep. Jason tried to talk about the vision but I was to exhausted from crying earlier and now this vision. My body was drained of energy and it was difficult to keep my eyes open.

I yawned and Jay finally noticed how tired I was. Jason noticed too and decided to leave to let me sleep. Jay was fixing to leave too but I grabbed his arm, "Can you stay? I'll feel safer if you do."

He nodded and sat back down. I scooted to where I was laying down next to Jay. I feel asleep quickly while he played with my hair.

When I woke up, in Jay's spot there was a note. 'Went to make you breakfast, figured you would be up soon. Jay.'

 I was about to get up when I started to see something. I was as is a TV had turned on right in front of my eyes. 

There was a battle between 2 packs. One was the Sky and the other unknown. The leaders of both packs faced off as their underlings fought between each other. The leaders were each in a stance staring down waiting for the other to make their move.

It started to snow and color joined the picture. One leader was solid black and the Sky leader was a huge wolf larger than any I've ever seen. He had a similar coloring to Jay's wolf but this one was much larger and lighter in color.

As they stared down I see a wolf fighting a different black wolf smaller than the leader. That wolf in the back ground looked like my wolf, but she's larger and has golden eyes and a black moon on her hip.

She grabbed the neck of the black wolf and ripped the fur and skin off. His neck dripped blood as he collapsed, dead. The leaders attacked each other then. Each directed at each other's throats.

Right as they clashed the entire then went black. I blinked my eyes a few times and found myself laying on the floor and my face wet. I touched my face and saw that I was crying blood. I screamed.

Jason and Jay burst through the door at the same time but Jay came to the rescue. He picked me up and took me to the bathroom and set me on the counter. I looked at the mirror to see gold fading from  my eyes and a blood flow from my eyes turn to tears that stopped quickly.

Jay wiped my face with a wash cloth till it was dry. He put the wash cloth down and ripped my face and looked into my eyes for a moment, "What happened Claire? Did someone hurt you? Was is a vision?"

I shook my head. "Jason needs to hear it too. Yes, it was a vision and a pretty gory one too."

I hopped off the bathroom counter and stumbled. Jay caught my arm and helped me walk to the office where Jason was digging through a pile of papers and books. He mumbled to himself about not having information to use.

When we entered he looked up, "A vision I guess. Take a seat and take your time explaining it to us."

I sat down and Jay stood behind my chair. I described the entire scene and how I saw everything.

Jason was amazed by the detail in which I described everything. "Well Claire, I believe that the black leaders are from the Blood pack because they are the only ones giving us problems."

I nodd, "Ok but we don't know how soon the vision will come true. The last one was late by a few minutes but this one feels more like something that will happen later."

Jason points at me, "Listen to your gut. If you feel that it's in the future and not this week or sooner then we will listen to you. The moment you feel it happening tell us so that we are prepared the second it happens."

Jessie comes in the room then. "Sorry that I've been gone, but Luna business called up North. Jason has kept me filled in on the events here. And my ears picked up some of the conversation here. Now what's going on? Did Claire have a vision of an attack?"

I look at her, "Yes, but you and Jason weren't in it. Only ones I know that were there were me, Jay, most of the pack and two black leaders that we think are Blood pack Alpha and Beta."

Jessie sits down and stares off into space, thinking. "Well if that's the case then we need to see each of you in your wolf and start the pack on a training routine. The stronger, the better because they are not taking you, Claire." She looked at me, "You have a free will for a reason and no one has the right to contain you and force you to do anything. Besides your mate of course." She smiled at Jay who laughs. 

Jason stood from the chair. "Well Jess wants to see your wolves. So let’s see them."

Jay nodds and leaves the room for a moment. He comes back in his wolf for. He's huge and looks just like he did in the vision. I gasp and cover my mouth. Jay looked at me, 'I'll take it that I look like the lead wolf from the vision.'

I nodd slowly, shocked that it's true. Jay sits down on the floor. 'Your turn Hun.' 

I get up and go to my room. I leave the door cracked and strip down to shift. I look at my hip and there's a grey moon. Excited but scared, I go back to the office. Jess and Jason gasp. 'Claire, sweetie, I think, that by judging by your mark, that there's more to your powers.' Jay walks over and puts his head on my neck.

I simply sigh.

Jason gets on the phone and starts to call members to begin training. Jess leaves and comes back as a wolf. 'Follow me please.'

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