🐰 I'm here for you | Jack x Aesop

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This chapter is months overdue. Oops. Well here you go, I'll edit this after I finish procrastinating. 

Humming a tune with his arms crossed, The Ripper has his own unique standards for his "guest".

Summary: Aesop feels sad. It's up to Jack to cheer him up. 

Ship: Jack x Aesop

Type: Fluff

Length: Short

AU: /

Skin: /

Word Count: 1010

Special note: Requested by: @ArtfulNihilism ^^ Thank you for the request, I hope this was somewhat up to what you had in mind.


Another match lost.

Aesop doesn't know if this was an unlucky day for him or he just wasn't on his game. He hadn't won a single game the whole day, most of the loses were his fault. Such as not kiting for long enough, accidentally popping the last cipher, not placing down his coffin or using the coffin when it was way too close.

He found a way to mess up in every game.

Now he was coming back from a match against Geisha, with him barely escaping through the dungeon and drawing a rough tie.

Aesop's POV:
I did it again. I messed up...

I sighed as I exited the match, trudging begrudgingly down the hall. Naib brushed past me briskly, not batting an eye. He was probably mad at me.

William walked past as well, giving me quick nod.

Emma came over and placed a hand on my shoulder, I flinched. "Sorry Aesop. You did great there! Placing your coffin next to the dungeon was a smart move. Thanks to you, we got a tie!"

I shook my head, "We could've won Emma. If I hadn't lost focus and popped the cipher." Emma frowned, before giving me a small yet sad smile and walking away.

I lowered my head and made my way to my room.


Jack's POV:
"Has anyone seen Aesop?" I quipped up as I sat down at the dining table.

"How are we supposed to know, Jack? He's in the survivor's side." Joseph rolled his eyes, picking up his glass and taking a sip.

"..." I didn't reply as I stood up, making my way to the door between the two manor sides.

"Jack! You should eat dinner first!" Michiko's voice called as I left the dining room.


Quickly, I knocked on the door and waited patiently.

"Can we help you? It's dinner time, you should be eating." An annoyed Emily snapped as she opened the door. I looked at her sheepishly before remembering she can't see my face under the mask.

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