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It was a peaceful night in Burbank.
The Warner Brothers studio was in the beam of the moons light.
The Warner Siblings were doing their own things.
Yakko was reading, Dot was doing her makeup, and Wakko...well Wakko was twiddling their thumbs. You could tell something was wrong.
Yakko had noticed Wakkos odd behavior for the past week.
Yakko didn't really know how to approach rhe situation. He always payed attention to how is siblings reacted to things. Like how Dots nose would twitch when she was mad, or how Wakkko stomped their feet when they were happy.
But this was different. Yakko finally decided to see about Wakko.
"Hey Wak! Is everything okay??" Yakko asked as he sat down next to his sibling.
Wakko responded with a shrug.
"Wanna talk about it?" Yakko asked another question.
Wakko sighed "I don't feel like me...like-" they
tried to find a way to explain it. "I feel as if I'm not a boy...but I don't feel like a girl either. I never told you or Dot cause I was scared you guys would make fun of me" Wakko said as tears formed in their eyes.
"Wakko...I would never EVER make fun of you. Tell ya what, how about we use different pronouns for you? They, them maybe?? And if you don't like those, we can always try different pronouns.p Yakko smiled at Wakko.
"I-I would like that. Thank you Yakko." Wakko smiled back before hugging the eldest Warner.
"Wakko I love you, don't ever forget that okay? And if anything ever happened to you or Dot, I would go ape shit" he chuckled "now, wanna warch Amphibia?" Yakko asked, knowing that was Wakko's  favorite show.
"How could I turn down such a swag offer?!"

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