152. The Scent Of Fear

Start from the beginning

They sat there and watched the mother and baby for a few more moments quietly until they disappeared onto the other side of the Habitat again.

"What animal do you want to see?" Hinata asked.

Kageyama shrugged.

"Doesn't really matter to me since animals don't tend to like me."

Hinata laughed.

"That's because sometimes you look scary."

"Shut up dumbass, " Kageyama said and ruffled Hinata's hair.

Hinata took the zoo's map and stared at it for a minute before pointing to an area that wasn't far from where they were.

"What about the polar bear tank?"

Kageyama nodded and stood up. Hinata stood next to him and held his hand, and the two of them headed out of the restaurant and to the polar bear habitat. 

They followed the map until they came to an area where you could either see the top part of the enclosure that had plants and a cave for the bear to sleep in and the top of the pool for the bear to dive into. Or you could go down a ramp the led into an enclosed cave-like room that had a view of the inside of the diving pool where you could watch the polar bear swim.

Hinata tightened his hold on Kageyama's hand and led him down into the caved area. The reflection of the water bounced off the walls and shined Around them. Hinata let go of Kageyama's hand and walked closer to the glass of the tank. He pressed his hands against it and stared into the crystal clear blue water that seemed to engulf him.

Kageyama stood behind him and put his arms around Hinata's waist, pulling him against him and rested his head on top of his.

The pair stood in silence, waiting for the bear to dive into the water. They could hear footsteps of people and children running above their heads and echoing off the cave walls.

Suddenly there was a giant splash as the water they were staring into became a blur of white bubbles, with the bear's face emerging close to the glass.

Hinata jumped a bit from being startled.

"Are you alright?" Kageyama questioned and tightened his arms around Hinata.

Hinata silently nodded and went back to watching the bear swim around the tank.
Kageyama kissed the top of his head and buried his face into the messy jungle of orange hair, and allowed himself to enjoy this moment with his omega.

Suddenly he smelt the light scent of fear pheromones.

Hinata turned around and nuzzled his face into Kageyama's chest in an attempt to seek shelter from the invisible scent that was causing him to feel afraid.

"Is it possible for two alphas to have the same scent?" He asked quietly as he wrapped his arms around Kageyama as tight as he could,
Threatening to crush Kageyama's ribs in the process.

Kageyama rubbed Hinata's back to comfort him.

"No, they can have similar scents but never be the same. Do you want to call Coach Ukai? If they're still in Tokyo, they can drive us home."

Hinata looked up at Kageyama, who looked like he was silently planning his attack plan if anyone came near them. He shook his head.

"No, I want to stay... I think I just imagined it. Maybe it's coming from a different alpha with similar pheromones."

Kageyama sighed and sniffed the air attempting to see if he could smell the scent or pheromones that could be a threat. There was nothing obvious to him, though.

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