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I went downstairs and sat down with the Garcia's. Jacob wasn't there yet. I was curious to see him, James never showed me a photo of him. The Garcia's made a small talk with me. Mrs. Garcia asked me "Do you go to school??"

14 year old me went to class, the night after James had beat me. I had bruise on me and my English teacher noticed. She called my parents. Let's just say when I got home that night it was worse then the others. That was the night James decided I wasn't going to be going to school anymore. My mother was forced to home-school me. I think that's when she started to hate me. I never got much love from her.
End of flashback

"No, My mother homeschooled me" I replied. "good, Jacob is home schooled too, you guys can get to know each other more" she said with a smile. I wanted to know when Jacob was coming so I asked "when is Jacob coming, Mr. Garcia" He looked at me "I have no idea, I told him to be home early" he said.

Jacob never showed up, me and the Gracies ate dinner. I offered to help clean up but they said no and they had a butler for that. In my opinion it was wrong to have everyone to do something for you but I didn't make a big deal about it. I wanted to see Jacob, you could even say I was desperate.

I was about to go to the bed when a heard some noise from the garden. It was 2:00 Am. I slowly went downstairs to the garden. It was dark so I couldn't see much, I grabbed my phone and turned on my flash. I saw a little animal stuck in some bushes. I slowly put my hand and carefully grabbed the bird.
I felt someone behind and saw a shadow. I turned around and punch the person in the stomach.
"who the hell are you" I said taking a few steps back. He looked at me "you must be Davina" he said as he got up. I rolled my eyes "yes, and you are??".
He smirked "I'm Jacob"

Sorry, it's short. I had to edit it because I
found a song that I like for this story.
Word count: 396

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