Chapter 12. Sona.

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Y/n slowly opened his eyes and he saw a bright light so he closed his eyes again.

Sona:"so your awake, good."

Y/n:"s-sona? Is that you?"

Sona:"yep, its me Allright. C'mon get  up"

Y/n:"rias... She.."

Sona:"yeah.... I know what she did, i actually told her not to do it."

Y/n:"you did?"

Sona:"let me explain, rias actually talkes to me about making you her servant but she knew you wouldn't join her, so she made a plan and told me about it. Her plan was to place a servant pack unto you to be forced serving her, i told her no but she refused. She said she needed you"

Y/n:"needed me? Needed me for what?"

Sona:"you see, rias is actually forced into a marriage that she didn't want and so she planned to kill the man she was gonna marry."

Y/n:"that's just awful..."

Sona:"well no not really, i mean she was gonna get married to a prideful, arrogant piece of trash so... I understand her anger."

Y/n:"i see, well still she must've thought of more peacefull ways to persuade me to join her."

Sona:"would you have joined then?"

Y/n stopped thinking for a minute then spoke.

Y/:"i think I would've opposed."


Y/n:"beacause of ana and alice.. They're like family to me, so i thought if i get involved into her stuff. The people that we would fight might go after ana and alice..."

Sona:"what's so special about those two?"

Y/n:"they're like a Family to me, they took care of me. Thought me things i didn't know, honestly beacause of them i am the person i am today."

Sona:"i see, i guess that makes sense...."

Sona then walked over to a chair.

Y/n:"by the way, where am i?"

Sona:"at your house, i actually broke in sorry..."

Y/n:"it's ok aslong as you didn't break anything..."

Sona:"i didn't...."

She said then stood up and prepared a circle.

Sona:"well im gonna go."

Y/n:"see you..."

Sona:"before i go, will you forgive rias?"

Y/n:"i-i don't know yet...."

Sona:"well, i think you have to. Im not forcing you or anything but, she actually lost."

Y/n:"lost? Lost what?"

Sona:"the rating game..."

Sona then deactivated her spellcircle then sat back down, as she sat y/n sat aswell across from her. Then she told y/n all about the rating game and Riser Phenex,few minutes later she sighed.

Sona:"so, basically rias is married to riser now."

Y/n:"hmm, i see. Well judging from what you told me and my experience fighting rias and her peerage they would've lost nonetheless."

Sona:"oh? Why do you say that?"

Y/n:"well think about it, I've fought rias and her group two times now at the first fight and i won. And this second I won technically..."

Sona:"well.... I don't know if you won but, lets consider it."

Y/n:"still I'm alive aren't i? Anyways they would've lost nonetheless beacause they're basically training themselves. They already now everything about themselves so they can't be better than themselves, so they wouldn't improve."

Sona:"hmmmmm, guess you right. Still it's a bummer for her to be married to him.."

Y/n:"yeah, i don't know about that one. I kinda wanna meet this guy now and just beat his ass."

Sona:"hey now, don't be too feisty. Your still hurt even tho you dont6see it.."

Y/n:"oh am i?"

Sona:"yes, so i suggest resting for teo day straight ok... Meanwhile i need to get back and prepare for rias's wedding reception."

Y/n:"well, be careful then."

Just as before sona was about to leave, suddenly y/n stumbles and falls to the ground as he screamed in pain.

Sona:"y/n! What's wrong!"

Y/n:"I-I d-don't know!!! Ahhhhh! Aghhhh!"

Y/n felt as if his consciousness is being destroyed or pushed by something.

Y/n then stopped screaming.

Sona:"whats wrong?"

Y/n:"m-my senses.... It's telling me to run."


Y/n:"yes, i feel..... Unable to stand even though i want to run away as fast as i can."


Then suddenly.

???:"sefar.... Is..... There......."


Sona:"what is it?...."

Y/n:"sona! Do you have anything on a god named sefar?"

Sona:"s-sefar? I-i don't know, let me think for a minute."

As she thought, y/n kept feeling the pressure of running away but alao felt his bosy wouldn't move or stand.

Sona:"i think i got it now, sefar i believe is a god from ancient Mesopotamia, it was a god that killed the other gods living in Mesopotamia hundreds of years ago."

Y/n:"i see,that's my purpose!"

Sona:"your purpose?"

Y/n:"yes! Im the chains of heaven that shall bind the gods! I get it now my purpose is to bind sefar.... But binding and killing are two different things...."

Sona:"would you like help?"

Y/n:"no... I can't let you do that..."

Sona:"well, from the looks of things you might have to."

Y/n:"yeah, but are you gonna be ok?

Sona:" well, yeah maybe.... I'll contact my clan if they could provide help. but it might make mom and dad leave rias's marriage. "

Y/n:" don't do that then... "

Sona:" are you gonna be ok? Fighting alone? "

Y/n:"well I've always fought alone."

Sona:"then if that's your choice i won't stop you, but as soon as i can I'll provide help."

Y/n:"why would you help me ?"

Sona:"well your up against a god, and i need to repay the things you've done so far now don't i?"

Y/n:"i guess your right, but be careful."

Sona:"thanks, and to you to be careful k? Wait for me..."

Y/n:"i might start before you get there..."

Sona:"ok then, im gonna go."

Sona then teleported to the underworld. As y/n prepared himself to fight sefar.

???:"are.... You ready?"


Enkidu:"yes it's me...I'll be watching k?"

Y/n:"I'll do my best!"

Enkidu:"and you shall, chains of Heaven"

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