2. hero school

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tubbo pov:

"puffy puffy wake up" i tried to wake up my sister

"tubbo? what do you need??"

"i have school today i need you to drive me"

"oh yeah- when does it start and what time is it?" puffy asked

"its currently 7:37 and it starts at 8 o clock"

"alright let me get ready and you fix your shirt"

"but its for style"

"you do you tubbo, we'll be out soon so just get ready"

"your the one who isnt ready"

"shut up and get out now"

first day of school alright.. i still dont have any powers though- thats fine ill be a batman, no no beeman it has a nice ring to it actually

"tubbo are you ready?" puffy shouted from upstairs


"alright lets go then" puffy said grabbing her keys

~time skip cause im lazy~

i got out of the car and said bye to puffy. i looked around to see if i knew anyone

"HIII TOMMY" i shouted while i was walking towards him "oh and.. what your name?" i asked the guy standing next him with a smile

"my names ranboo- i got dropped off here with tommy, ill leave so i dont interrupt you two" he said before he walked off

"should we go after him..?" i asked tommy

"here ill go get him stay there"

i saw tommy get ranboo and tell him something and come back

"uh whos your guys homeroom teacher?" i asked both of them

"i got my dad" tommy said "ranboo got the same"

"mr. minecraft?"

"yeah- oh poggers we all have the same teacher" tommy said and ranboo put his fist in the air slowly

"lets head over to his class then" ranboo said

"hey guys lets play a prank on my dad" tommy said while we were walking over there

"sure what is it?" i asked

"lets call him mr. phil instead of minecraft"

"thats his first name though?" the tall man said

"excalty" tommy said opening the door to his class "oh shit-"

i looked around and we seemed to be the last ones there

"tommy no cursing in my class" mr. phil told tommy

"fuck you" he said back

"do you want to go to the principals office?"

"no i wouldnt like that father"

"go sit there in front of me and stop calling me dad"

"fine mr. phil"

"tom- whatever tubbo and.. ranboo?" he guessed for ranboos name, ranboo shook his head yes though "well you two can sit there next to jack, jack raise your hand" a bald guy raised his hand

"anyways class were gonna need to do ice breakers so say your name, your power that you have, and one fact about you. ill start my name is philza minecraft, my power is that i have these wings, and tommy right here is my son. now tommy you start"

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