finally, im here (part three of only to be met with nothing)

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lmao im sorry, how are y'all doing? I hope you're doing well!

just wondering, did one of you recognize me on monday? i was out with my friends and someone in a yellow shirt was pointing at me all shy and i just heard "wattpad" it was kinda weird but i also don't know how to feel, i was just wondering if someone actually recognized me or if i misunderstood. if someone did recognize me how do you do it lol-

but uh this is part three of only to be met with nothing, you may want to go read parts one and two before reading this if you don't remember! if you do, just read! TWS: social anxiety

a/n over

Ranboo tapped his fingers nervously on the hard plastic of the armrest, the sky was a looming blue void outside the window, his hoodie was getting uncomfortable, and his eyes were itchy from having gotten no sleep the whole plane ride from San Francisco to England. There were about 45 minutes until they would arrive at the airport, and the nervousness of meeting Tubbo had finally caught up to the excitement. Finally, all they had wasn't discord calls and FaceTime. Finally, they could stay up together without their phones dying. Finally, they could see each other. But now Ranboo wouldn't be able to hide away if he needed to, Tubbo would know if he was overwhelmed, and Ranboo couldn't just leave the VC to sort through his feelings. Ranboo would be ruining the trip if anything happened. And also, Tubbo would see how red Ranboo's ears got when Tubbo flirted. That would be kind of embarrassing. But Ranboo was mainly just scared to ruin things with Tubbo by making things awkward.

Deep down, Ranboo knew everything would be fine, but he couldn't stop the part of his brain that insisted things wouldn't be the same in a negative way when they were closed up together for four months.

Ranboo shook his legs out, thankfully he had flown business so there wasn't anyone sitting next to him on the ride. He could vlog, for one thing, and he wouldn't have intense anxiety about it, but for once he actually had space to stretch his legs out or get comfortable. That was nice. It didn't make things fully comfortable though, he was still too nervous for the ten hour plane ride to be fully enjoyable.

The blaring of a musical sequence of whatever movie had started playing distracted Ranboo from his thoughts with a jump, and he settled on distracting himself with the movie instead of settling on anxiety-inducing thoughts. Things would be better if he did that.


Walking around the airport with eager eyes, head above most people, Ranboo had let go of almost all of the anxiety for now, and was just focused on finding the smaller boy and pulling him into a hug. Like in those videos where people run at each other.

Okay, maybe not that crazy, but now Ranboo was overcome by longing and excitement to care about embarrassing himself or making things weird. Things wouldn't be weird. Tubbo had only tried to help when Ranboo had left that call sobbing, he hadn't ended anything. It would be fine. They could live their dreams. It would be great. No problems.

The almost static feeling of excitement encased Ranboo like a bubble as he scanned the faces of all the surrounding people. Every once in a while he would see a kid with dark brown hair and think it was Tubbo, but no. Just another 5'5 kid. Tubbo really was short, wasn't he. Ranboo's phone vibrated with a text, he immediately opened his phone in hopes it was Tubbo.

smol bee :D

where are youuuuuuu

It was.


near baggage claim four, where are you?

smol bee :D

idk lol


baggage claim 5 i believe

Ranboo chuckled at Tubbo, it really wasn't that hard.


lol there's a sign man

i'll keep looking for you

smol bee :D

okay maybe its better off like that lol

Ranboo swallowed his excitement again, going towards baggage claim five where Tubbo claimed to be, fidgeting his hands happily at the speed-walked towards the short brown haired boy that was looking around nervously.

"Hey, Tubbo!" Ranboo called to him, smiling more widely at Tubbo's shit eating grin.


The two ran towards each other, Ranboo picking Tubbo up when they embraced, mumbling "I missed you, god." Into Tubbo's soft hair. It was just as soft as Ranboo had expected it to be.

"I missed you too, so so so much, Ranboo." Tubbo spoke into Ranboo's hoodie, his voice muffled. Tubbo looked up at Ranboo, eyes wide and sparkling. "How are you? How was the flight?"

Ranboo smiled, and yawned. "It was good... I'm really tired though," Ranboo chuckled, just realizing the exhaustion that came with traveling ten hours across the world.

"I bet," Tubbo laughed, taking Ranboo's hand and leading him to the exit where they would catch a train. "Jet-lag, right?"

Ranboo squeezed Tubbo's smaller hand back. "Yeah, jet-lag, bee. Jet-lag stinks."

"I agree." Tubbo nodded.

~~~~~~ (sorry abt all the timeskips and the not great chapter lol i just wanted to get it out quickly)

Tubbo and Ranboo settled onto Tubbo's couch to watch a few episodes of Grey's Anatomy, Tubbo had said that maybe Ranoo should go to sleep, but if Ranboo was being honest, he really didn't want to sleep. He wanted to spend time with Tubbo, not sleep and have more time away from each other. Ranboo remembered all too clearly how it felt when he would wake up from a dream, like the ice skating one, and be alone again, he hated that. He hated it so very much.

"Tubbo, i'm so glad I'm here." Ranboo pulled Tubbo closer, running a hand through Tubbo's soft mop of hair.

"I'm glad, too. I missed you a lot. I missed the idea of you. Like you would say."

"Yeah, like I would say." Ranboo smiled. "I won't be saying that anymore, at least for a while. Finally, I'm here."


:P sorry its so short

and doesnt really have a plot

and just isnt great

but y'know its okay im jamming out to share your address by ben platt but also crying because i am lonely and feel like shit :"D

but i pog through the pain, bitches

pog on through

btu uhm one other thing i think im developing a crush on my friend and idk if she's gay :"D

we went to dunkin donuts after school yesterday and it was really nice hanging out with her and she said she had a really good time and i couldn't stop smiling and i don't even know if its a crush yet but i think it might be because i feel very fluttery and stuff around her and was giving her a bunch of drawings and stuff on post its and she was putting them on her sweater and i was so happy and shit and i don't even know man i can barely feel because depression so i don't know if i like her or if shes just my friend or what-

like i said i can't feel directly so it's hard to be certain

it definitely sounds like a crush but i dont know if it is

but uh yeah have a great day/night/4am💚

bee and boo (platonic ranboo and tubbo oneshots) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now