- Chapter 9 -

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Maya's P.O.V

"NO!" Ellie and I shrieked, throwing our pillows at Lottie, who was laughing so hard she was about to lose her balance. Lottie held up 2 dresses, one midnight black and covered in stars; the other was a plain light blue. "YOU ARE NOT MAKING ME WEAR THAT!" I screeched, throwing another pillow into her face. Even though I've grown to like some skirts and dresses, I still don't enjoy wearing them. Ellie felt the exact same way, I've never seen her wear a skirt by choice. And even if she did, it would be leather and in black.

"May, blue looks good on you!" I acted like I just saw a monster the moment those words slipped out of her mouth. I backed up against a wall "If you get me a pair of jeans and a plain white or black top I'll be fine, I'M NOT WEARING THE DAMN DRESS!" 

Lottie exhaled in a humoured way, throwing the blue dress back into the wooden closet. All of us were in the hotel, we left the cabin in the morning. I checked the clock on the wall, 4:00 pm. She shoved the clothes I was asking for in my arms, her eyes telling me she had lost hope. I winked at her as Ellie giggled, choosing a pair of black fishnets, shorts and a giant sweater.

 Looking in the mirror, I styled my hair into a high ponytail, tying it with the black bow to  match my top. I had the urge to stroke my ring but knowing it wasn't there anymore, I gave a deep sigh. Lottie came out of the bathroom, wearing another pink dress. How many pink dresses did this girl have? Standing next to me in the mirror, she squeezed my hand tightly "It's going to be ok,"

I nodded, adjusting the bow on the top of my head then attaching silver earrings onto my ears. Ellie had a towel on her shoulder, hair wet like rain. She shook her head rapidly, sending droplets of water all over the room. Lottie and I squealed, giggling at the same time, patterns of water were scattered across my denim jeans. 

"We should go now, the party starts in 15 minutes."

 We grabbed our bags and made our way down the white-marble hall. Damn, this place was fancy. A velvet red carpet beneath our feet lead the way towards the room where Jamie was going to break. "Ellie! Lottie!" A girl with light blonde hair ran over towards us and took both my best friends into a secure hug. 

"Hi Lola!"

Other people started to surround us, assuming these were their friends, I shot a quick smile. "Lottie! you didn't tell me you had a twin," A tall boy with dark skin laughed, offering his hand in front of me "I'm Raphael." 

I shook his hand gently, so this was the guy who thought this was a good idea? "Maya,"

"Also! Ellie...princess of Maradova?" a boy who looked similar to Lola said, turning all the attention towards Ellie. 

"Yeah-" she said sheepishly, fidgeting with her fingers. 

Raphael laughed "I see someone was doing your bidding," he gave Lottie a side look.

"Shut up, Raph." Anastacia snapped, Saskia's hand intertwined with hers.


 I was happy to see how nobody made a huge deal about it after, she had some great friends. Upbeat music started to play, Ellie grinned at Lottie before pulling her towards the dance floor. The room was decorated in gold and white, balloons and confetti covering every inch. I sat on one of the chairs, keeping my eyes on the entrance. Jamie should arrive soon. "What song are you going to sing?" a melodic voice interrupted my thoughts, I turned around to see a dark skinned girl with immense black hair: huge glasses covering her face. 

I narrowed my eyes "Sing?"

"Yes, sing." she replied, taking the seat next to me. Are you kidding me? I have to sing now? This is ridiculous. She studied me inquisitively, looking me up and down; somehow she reminded me of an owl. The doors swung open before I could respond, revealing a tall, muscular figure with light mocha skin. Jamie was here. 

"What the-" 

"Hey buddy!" Raphael put an arm over Jamie's shoulder "We prepared this for you," Jamie scanned the room, as soon as he was 15 seconds away from seeing me, I turned my head. I saw his lip twitch, but as soon as he saw Lottie's giant blonde curls, his face softened. Jamie liked Lottie! Somehow, that made me crunch up inside, why did I care? I'm not sure if she felt the same way though. WOAH! Am I assuming again? Shaking my head, I took a sip from my glass of water. Raphael walked Jamie around the room, pointing to every decoration there was. Hold on-They were walking towards me! Oh hell, what do I do? Before I could get out of my seat, Raphael put a hand on my shoulder.

"This is Maya, have you two met?"

Maybe, oh yes we have! he was my childhood crush!

Pained at the moment, I sank back down into the chair slowly. Jamie tugged on the strings of his black hoodie "No, we haven't," 

Harsh much.

I gave him a tight-lipped smile and offered my hand for him to shake. He raised a brow at it, like he wasn't accepting it. I had the urge to say "Oh, do you not know what this greeting is? Well, this is called a hand shake, humans do it!" but I just narrowed my eyes at him instead. After moments of silence, he shook it. The warmth of his hand taking me in surprise as my cheeks grew hot. 

"I'm Jamie,"

Before letting go, I jerked my finger into his wrist; he showed no emotion. Ellie and Lottie walked over, sweat covering their foreheads.

"Jamie you're here!" Ellie exclaimed, drinking from her cup of punch. Lottie beamed at him; she does that a lot. "Yes I am Ellie," Jamie scowled at her briefly, Ellie took it to her offence and sat down curtly. 

"Hey! We have a stage, one of us should sing." Raphael said, breaking all the unknown tension between us. "Maya, you go."

Why do I have to be the one dragged into this?

"Thanks for the offer but I'd much rather sit-"

"Just go."

"What-? No I-"


I was about to reject him once again until a perfect song came to mind. Maybe I should go.

"Ok ok!" I sighed, walking. towards the stage. Ellie ran after me and clutched onto my wrist, turning me round to face her.

"What are you doing? You hate the spotlight."

I shrugged a laugh, brushing my wrist out of Ellie's grip. "No no, it's fine."

Watch this Jamie Volk.

I took an electric guitar from the back of the stage, adjusting the strings. I learnt how to play around the same age as Jamie, I remember him staying up late to teach me every chord there was to know. I walked towards the DJ booth, requesting him to play the song I had in mind. I could never be more prepared. Walking up the stage, I felt confidence taking its place in my body. Background music started to play; I grabbed the microphone stand and started to sing, proudly strumming the guitar. 

Jamie's jaw dropped. 



I think we're about halfway through the story! Thank you again for all the kind comments, I would like to dedicate this chapter to: 





Or so I think these are their users, sorry if I'm wrong! Ily all <3

The way I feel for youTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang