"We got this." Daisy assured her friend.

"We do. Come on." Mack said, leading them to the door. Daisy and Mack were on either side of the door, with Rebecca in the middle.

"Three..." They put their hands on the handles, "Two..." They got ready, "One..." The door went open, only for light to flood the area.

"Put your guns on the floor!" Or some variation of that was what all parties shouted.

However, one voice broke it all up, "Everybody, stand down!" Rosalind. She walked into the room, wearing a black suit with a red shirt underneath, "SHIELD's not the enemy and you definitely don't want to piss off young agent Johnson here. We've got about nineteen Agent Johnsons on our side, though none can take down a building. Rosalind Price, by the way." She introduced herself after doing the dick measuring with SHIELD.

Coulson then walked up behind her, "Coulson?" Daisy questioned.

"It's ok, the ATCU is here to help."

"Really? 'Cause the other day, they wanted Daisy's head for their trophy case." Mack argued.

"Agent Mackenzie –" Coulson tried to say to talk Mack down, but Rosalind spoke up.

"Bit of an exaggeration. But, that was then, this is now. And right now, we're here to contain a threat, same as you. Fan out! She said the last bit to her people, and they did just that.

Daisy was never one to be silent in moments like these, "I get that you cut a deal with them, but for the record –"

"It's a means to an end." Coulson said, hoping it would stop the tirade.

It did not, "Ours, or theirs?" Coulson didn't answer, he only walked away.

"Rise and shine, kiddo. Got a job for you." Ward greeted Aaron as he work form his sleep. The room was a small one, a narrow one with only a bed in. But, it was something. The man handed the boy a coffee, "I didn't really know how you liked them, so..." He said as Aaron drank from it. It was a decent one, just the coffee part with nothing else in.

"I like it plain, nothing else gets in the way of it." Aaron said, getting up and rubbing his eyes, "What's up?"

Ward leaned against the doorway, "You know, I always liked that about you, Aaron, you are always ready to go. No small talk, just get right in. Real go-getter –"

"Don't bullshit or butter me up, Ward. Now, what'd you want?" Despite the words, there was a slight smile on Aaron's face.

Ward mirrored the uptilt of the lips, "Big day, today. Need you to run an errand before you we get to the big one." Ward was still being cryptic, but at least Aaron could give him the fact that he now had something to go with.

"The 'big one'?" Aaron asked, finishing his coffee.

Ward took it off him as he spoke, "Just a collection job, need some more guns and something sell on the side to fund this thing. After that, we go after someone that means a hell of a lot to SHIELD," With that, Ward held up a photo of a man. One Aaron had met once.

Dr Andrew Garner.

"Jesus, that desperate, huh?" Ward smiled and scoffed at Aaron's words.

"Less 'desperate' more 'stragetic'. Look, this one means a lot to May, and it means a lot to Coulson that May is ok. It's a domino effect. Topple one, it keeps cascading."

"Aren't I on that metaphorical domino pile?" Aaron had to ask.

Ward shook his head, "Used to be. Now, you're clear of the crosshairs, kid. Trust me, they won't it's you."

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