Chapter 1

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(TW-Suicide mentions-TW)

Brooklynn's POV

I stared at myself in the mirror in disgust, am I really about to do this? Your probably wondering what am I doing and why am I doing it. I'm gonna put it in a simple way. My name is Brooklynn Ava Rosalie, I hate my life and now I'm going to overdose on pills.

I don't know what these pills are, but hopefully they put me out of my misery. Just as I was about to put them in my mouth I got a text. I know you're probably thinking why is my phone with me if I'm going to kill myself?

(TW over)

I don't know It's a habit to bring my phone with me everywhere. I quickly check the message and see it was from an unknown number.


Yo, I need my shit back

Uh who are you?

Dude stop playing games, I'm billie

Uh you must have the wrong number, I don't know a billie

Oh shit sorry, did I...wake you?

Uh no your good, hope you get your shit back tho

Lmao thx, sorry again

It's cool, have a nice night

you too :)

Well that was weird, she seemed nice. well I don't know if it's a she or a he so. I put the pills back in the bottle and sighed. What am I doing with myself? I grab my phone and quietly walk to my bedroom. So let me fully introduce myself. My name is Brooklynn Ava Rosalie, My mom died while giving birth to me.

I am an only child and my dad hates me, he blames me for my mom's death and he beats me, and he drinks a lot. I was homeschooled because he didn't want anyone to see my bruises. Every time I go out I have to wear long-sleeved shirts and pants.

Even in the summertime. I did make some friends while exploring L.A. They're names are Khloe and Noah, they have been there for me, but I still feel miserable. I was just laying in bed thinking about my horrible life. I then heard my phone buzz indicating I got a text message.


Hey, it's billie. u up?

Oh, uh yea I'm up. gimme a sec I gotta do something.


I sighed and went to the contact and pressed edit and changed it to billie


Ok I'm back

Oh ok, hi


I know ur probably wondering why am I texting you, it's just you seem pretty chill and I'm bored

Oh, it's cool I wasn't doing anything anyway

oh ok, um can I know your name?

I mean I guess I kinda have to tell you since you told me yours

yea :)

Uh it's Brooklynn

That's a pretty name, I take it your a girl?

yes I am, u?

I'm a girl, so Brooklynn where you from?

My mothers vagina :)

Lmaooo dude no like your state/city

Oh, L.A born and raised. u?

Same, do you mind if I ask ur age?

I'm 17, I take it your 17 too?

Oh uh yea actually

What's ur full name billie, is it ok if I call u bil, it's shorter

You can call me anything you want, just not a bitch :)
Anyways uh don't laugh, but its Billie Eilish Pirate Baird O'Connell

Yo ur middle name is pirate that's sick

Thanks What's ur full name Brooke

Finally someone who actually uses my nickname, uh its Brooklynn Ava Rosalie

Your name is so fucking pretty

Oh uh thanks, yours is cool too

It was nice talking to you brooke, but I'm getting sleepy so...ttyl?

Ok ttyl

Well I just made a friend named billie, well I think we're friends I'm not sure.

Billie's POV

I wasn't really going to sleep, I just don't know what to say to her. I guess I should actually text Isaac to give me my ring back.

Isaac bell

Taco bell u need to give me my shit back

I am, tmr at this party


I guess that solves my problem. I wonder what she was doing before I texted her. I wonder how she looks, why am I wondering so much about her? I just met her. "Hey bil, why are you still up?" Finneas asks. "Uh can't sleep."

"C'mon bil, your my sister I know when something's bothering you." I sighed and sat up, scooting over so he can sit next to me on my bed. "Well it's just I accidentally texted this girl and now I can't stop thinking about her."

"Maybe you just wanna be friends with her." He shrugged. "Well yeah she's funny as hell, I asked her where is she from and she said her mom's vagina." Me and Finn started dying laughing. "Wow, well tomorrow just talk to her and get to know her." He said.

"Yeah, ok." I smiled, "Thanks Finn." He nodded, "Anytime, now get some rest we have an interview tomorrow." I nodded and pushed him out of my bed so I can lay down. He let out a small ow and got up and walked out while closing my door.

I'll text her after my interview tomorrow. I slowly began to drift off, and soon enough I was asleep.

Brooklynn's POV

I set an alarm for when I have to wake up from my job. My dad doesn't work so I have to buy clothes some way. I work at Taco Bell. That's how I met Khloe and Noah, they were super nice to me on the first day and we just became friends ever since.

I turned my fan on and got under the covers and close my eyes, drifting off to sleep.


A/n: Hi guys, how are you. Hope you like this first chapter, yes this is short, other chapters will be longer. Stay safe love you.!

961 words

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