Chapter 23: Who is Roronoa-Nico Naruto? Naruto's Big Reveal!

Start from the beginning

"Come back here and talk to us," Minato said and Naruto had no choice but to obey. "Naruto, why did you leave us?" Minato said and Naruto didn't answer. "Kit, you have to tell them," Kurama spoke up. "But why?" Naruto asked, but Kurama didn't answer. "We're waiting," Minato said while staring him down. Naruto sighed. There was no way of getting out of this. "Maybe when you apologize for treating me so horribly, I'll tell you," Naruto stated, trying to avoid the question and Kushina was growing angry. Mito stood there, dumbfounded that her brother was alive and was her competition. She thought about how strong he was against her. He barely broke a sweat against her and she was defeated. Mito quickly ran over to Minato and whispered something in his ear but it went unnoticed by Kushina and Naruto who were arguing. "Treated you horrible? We never did that. Everything we did was to protect your sister," Kushina said angrily and then added, "and you." Naruto got angry at that last statement. He was still just an afterthought to his parents. Even after revealing who he was to them. Even after seeing how strong he had become, he was still second. (1385) "Naruto, I want you to live with us and stay here in the village," Minato said and Naruto shook his head while slowly backing away. That's the last thing he wanted was to live with his ex family again. Not after his childhood. "No," Naruto said and Minato looked surprised. "No, I'm not living with you," Naruto said while glaring at Minato. "Why not?" Minato asked. "First, I might be your biological son, but you are not my dad. You are merely my sperm donor and Kushina is my egg donor, nothing more, nothing less," Naruto said to Minato, standing his ground. Before, when he was younger, he would just take what they said and never complained. He always followed what his parents taught him, that he's not worth a minute of their time, so why are they worth it then? "What do you mean?! I gave birth to you! I carried you in my stomach for nine months and this is how you repay me?!" Kushina yelled and Naruto didn't even flinch. "You're not my mother. I thank you for giving me life but I never lived before I left. I was merely surviving," Naruto explained calmly. "If you want to kick me out of the village after this, that's fine. But you'd better be sure to keep your village safe because you'd be making one hell of an enemy," Naruto said while glaring at Minato and Kushina. Mito was quiet and to be frank, it was quite disturbing as Naruto thought Mito would be all over this. "I leave in three days with my family. If you don't come and apologize, I then expect to be banned from this village and I will be a rogue ninja who you will never see again. If others recruit me, you will have no say in who I put my alliance with," Naruto said, trying to threaten, but to be honest he just wanted to move away from all of this and go back out to sea. Being a ninja is important to Naruto but it isn't his whole life. He has a whole life ahead of him at sea. Realizing this, Naruto wanted to explore more in the sea. He missed the rocking of the Sunny, the dangerous waters and new adventures every day.

For the first two years that Naruto was with the Straw Hats, the crew agreed to spend time in Paradise before going to the New World. So Naruto was only in the New World for a few years and he already knows there's way more to life than just the villages. There's a whole ocean waiting for him to explore. So long as the crew's dream lives, so will Naruto's dream to journey and discover anything and everything in the world.

Naruto calmly walked to his sister who was stunned at his words. She was frozen even when Naruto grabbed his book and without saying another word, Naruto stormed out of the office and to his family. "Alright, Luffy. We're leaving," Naruto said while entering the apartment. "Right now?" Luffy asked while looking up from the fridge. "Yes, right now," Naruto answered and Luffy got up straight away to go pack though he could tell something was off and told Robin. Robin came out after Luffy came to her and saw Naruto aggressively shoving clothes in a bag. "Woah there, slow down, Naruto-kun," Nami said to Naruto as he zipped his bag. "Where are you going?" Robin asked Naruto who just turned to Robin and hugged her immediately. Robin hugged Naruto back. "What's the rush, chīsana kaizoku?" Robin asked and Naruto bursted into tears, surprising everyone. Zoro woke up to the sound of Naruto crying and immediately rushed out. "What's wrong?" Zoro asked Naruto while bending down to his level. Naruto just cried, letting out all of the emotions from the exhausting day. He thought he was stronger than them. He thought no one in the village could hurt him with his family by his side, but those old feelings of rejection along with his ex family's request for him to stay and forgive them was exhausting. Once Naruto calmed down, Robin and Zoro sat Naruto down on the couch with Naruto and the rest of the crew sat in the living room with them. "Are you calm now my chīsana kaizoku?" Robin asked in a soft, motherly voice that calmed Naruto. "Hmmhmm," Naruto sniffled while wiping his tears. "Now, let's discuss what happened okay?" Zoro asked and Naruto nodded and began to explain.


Hello my wonderful readers! Sorry I took so long, classes are really kicking my ass this term and it's hard to keep up with all my classes. Sorry to keep you waiting but I have another chapter coming hopefully sooner rather than later!
Sorry about the chapter name lol. Totally forgot it existed when I uploaded the chapter. Lmao

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