Chapter 2

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Once home, I had a quick shower before getting dressed for the show. I wanted something sexy that showed off my personality. Something that I could dance in and not turn into a sweaty mess while performing. I landed on a black cropped tank with a red plaid mini skirt. I threw on a black leather jacket, fishnets and a pair of Doc Martens. Performing got really hot so the less clothing the better.

I headed down to the bar we were performing at. The boys were already unloading the van when I got there. Mel was inside, bossing everyone around like usual. She was brilliant when it came to stage layouts and getting everything set up properly. I don't know what we would do without her.

"Red!" Mel called out once she saw me, "Damn, you're looking hot tonight! You ready to kick some ass?"

"Of course. I'm going to get some whiskey. Want me to grab you guys something?" I asked.

"I just need you to check we got all your stuff how you like it then we're all grabbing drinks," Dean said as he fiddled with his drum skit. I always tried to help out with the grunt work but the guys never let me do much. They'd get everything set up and I'd do the last adjustments.

I hopped on stage, checking the mic and stands. I made sure my keyboard was hooked up and the stand was at the right height. Dean always tended to put it up too high for me. By the time I had my guitar tuned and ready, everyone had finished and were at the bar.

"To new beginnings and a kick-ass show!" Adam cheered lifting his glass once I had my drink.

"To the best band ever!" Mel joined in. I laughed raising my glass of whiskey and cheersed with the guys and Mel. My heart felt so warm that these people cared so much about me.

Although, that warm feeling didn't last long, because the man of the hour just had to swoop in, "Babe, should you really be drinking before the show? You wouldn't want to mess up tonight."

I rolled my eyes at the guys before turning around with a smile on my face for Ben. "Baby, it's one glass. Come on, loosen up. I need you front and centre cheering me on tonight." I gave him my best lovey look. It made me want to puke, but he didn't see that. Instead, he returned my look, reaching out to pull me to his side

"Of course. I'm your biggest fan." He spoke in his cute affectionate voice he reserved for me, but when he looked up at the guys his entire face changed. "Oh hey guys. Mel, how did that studio time go last night?" His voice turned accusatory in seconds. Why is it always the cheaters who think you're cheating? Maybe because they know just how easy it is.

"Wonderful!" Mel chimed in with a smile, "We finally finished this new song we're going to debut tonight! It's even dedicated to you!"

"Mel, I wanted it to be a surprise." I pouted before turning to Ben, "We've got to go, but I hope you know I mean everything I say in that song. It just means so much to me."

"I can't wait to hear it baby. I'm going to grab a beer then find somewhere to sit."

"Okay. Have fun!"

"I always do." He gave me a kiss on the cheek before we headed up to the stage.

Dean came up beside me and whispered so only I could hear, "You know, I always forget what an amazing actress you are."

"Maybe once I get bored with the band life, I'll try out for a Broadway show."

He laughed before he gave me a hug, "You've got this Bug. I hope you know I'll always be here if you need me."

"Of course I know. Now come on, time to put on the biggest show of our entire lives."

"Alright babes!" Mel said as she jumped on stage, "Everything is good to go. Bar is nearly full and it's only 9! Time to shine!" She quickly jumped off the stage and went over to the bar.

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