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We went on our routes and finished late at night. Its been a week and the dancers are all here, I haven't been able to meet Jina because there are cameras everywhere. Today is our last practice before the first concert tomorrow. The dance director made some changes at the end of practice which made me so happy, I get to dance with Jina to, Solo, End of the Night and All I wanna do, I couldn't express how happy I was. We got into formation for our last practice.

"well if it's not Jina with a J" I teased.

"ha-ha, well if it's not Jay who mommae mommae his way into peoples heart" she said and we laughed.

"that joke was ass" I told her.

"but you laughed though" she said still smiling.

"excuse me Jina, this is not the time to be flirting with him" the dance director yelled.

"sorry!" Jina yelled while I kept on trying to hide my laugh.

"right, this is not the time to be flirting and plus there are cameras around" I said and pointed at one of the cameras.

"dang it" she yelled.

"okay formation, music in 3...2...1" the director finished the count down and Solo began to play.

"why is this song first?" Jina asked as we began to dance.

"that is because I told them which song to come first" I teased. We continued to dance and chat till practice was over. I went back to the waiting room after drying myself from the sweat.

"I still cant tell how people didn't notice that they were couples" during the Solo dance Cha Cha Malone said when I walked in.

"damn yall spying on us or something" I said after TRADE L passed me some water. We all headed out there to finish our group songs then, everyone else did their performance and we went back to the hotel. I called Jina when I got to my hotel room.

"did you eat yet?" she asked.

"yeah, I went out with the boys before coming back, have you eaten?"

"yeah, I went out with Nila" she replied.

"you came here with Nila?" I asked her.

"yeah, she wanted to come along, the doctor cheated on her" she replied.

"ohh, sorry to hear that"

We talked about the concert and how far we have come. I can't still get my head around the fact that when I first met her was at that music video shoot. We talked for 5 hours and she fell asleep on the phone and so did I. I woke up with a dead phone, I quickly charged it and brushed my teeth and put on a random outfit laid on my bed. Around 10am I met the others for breakfast, I checked up on Jina but she haven't replied to my text yet. After breakfast we went to the location for the concert, Cha Cha set up his station and we helped them with the stage placement and fixed any changes etc.. Around 4pm we got some food and rested at the hotel till 7:45pm then we took showers and went to the concert location, the show starts at 9:30pm. After we got there, we ate some snacks and started getting ready, we went for makeup and then outfit, around 9:15pm we could hear all the fans screaming, we chilled in the back stage till it was time to go on stage.

"I think someone is looking for you?" HAON said and pointed at Jina before leaving to go on the stage.

"don't worry, we removed the cameras around here" pH-1 one also said and left to the stage.

"good luck and have fun" she said and gave me kiss. I went on the stage confuse on how she came to the backstage, she was not performing today. We danced and sang for about 30 minutes and I had to leave the stage for another performance after them. When I opened the door to my dressing room Jina was sitting on one of the couch.

"don't come close to me" she said when I was about to hug her.

"I just want a hug" I said chasing her around the room.

"you are freaking sweaty" she said still hiding.

"fine" I said and went to sit down. We talked a bit till the others came off the stage.

"that was fire" pH-1 said and gave HAON a high five.

"I can't wait till the meet n greet afterwards" BIG Naughty said and let himself drop on the couch.

"did you guys have fun?" I asked them.

"yes bruh, am leaving for it" Cha Cha said.

We talked for about 7 minutes and then headed back on the stage, the show went on till 11:30pm and then it was time for the meet and greet, we all washed up changed our outfits and went into the meet and greet room we took our seat then began. As we kept signing albums and stuff I spotted someone sitting in the fan area, where the fans were sitting when we walked in.

"she such a real fan, she even came to the meet and greet" Cha Cha whispered to me when I found out it was Jina. After the signing, fans began to ask questions as we all talked about life and things that makes us happy.

"which one would you choose, your girlfriend or Music?" a fan asked me.

"thanks for asking that, we all want to know"WOOGIE said and the others agree.

"well, I would choose both, because music makes me tell my story and plus, I feel connected to yall through music, and I will choose her because she the song I want to sing everyday and she is the verse I love the most, so I will choose both" I said.

"awwhhhhh!" the fans exclaimed.

"do you guys know how much we hate this words, he just be talking about her everyday" Sik-K said when they all laughed.

"well I never told yall to be single" I said when he gave up whatever he was about to say next.

"is your girlfriend a singer too?" another person asked.

"she actually suck at singing" I said and looked at Jina who have a look that says, I will beat you up. "but she is a dancer, a good one too" I added.

"TRADE L will you go on a date with me?" someone yelled from the crowed and we all laughed.

"I will pick you up" Trade L said and most of his fans started freaking out.

"you don't even know the road signs to get your permit" Hwi-min teased.

We continued to talk and answered more question, around 12:15pm everything came to an end, we waited for all the fans to leave the premises before going back to the hotel. I called Jina when I got to the hotel but she didn't answer, I figured she might be tired so I took a shower and went to sleep because we have another show tomorrow.

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