"Yeah, yeah whatever."

[Bakugou's pov]

"Thank you, Bakugou," I say, "I'll have you watch over Y/n for awhile. KIrishima seems to be taking this way too harshly. He needs rest and time to regain himself properly."

He wasn't wrong, kirishima had been pushing himself way too hard when it came to Y/n. He had barely been taking care of himself. He was always at her side when she was asleep. He was exhausted. And no one else noticed how horrible he looked. And getting him to leave with the rest of the class was probably the most annoying shit I've ever done. He was being way too stubborn, and he seemed so worried.

"Yeah, yeah whatever," I say rolling my eyes at my teacher and turning around. I started to walk to Y/n's room. That last I knew she was asleep. She had collapsed in the parking lot after her breakdown.... I actually feel kinda bad. But that's none of my business. She needs her space and I won't pry like how the others did. Those dumbasses. How the hell did they not see how guilty and anxious she was. She looked like she was going to have a panic attack from how crowded she was.

I reach Y/n's room and open the door to gasping and muffled sobs.

"What the hell!? Y/n, are you ok!?" I rushed over to her. She had her hands knotted and tangled into her hair, obviously pulling at it. Her sobs and gasps were so choppy and broken that it sounded like she was being choked. He face was soaked and pouring tears, he lip was bleeding so much it seemed like she had bit a fucking chunck out of it! Her arms were red and pink and scraped, and there was blood on the sheets. Not a lot, but still very noticeable.

Fuck....She's having panic attack.

[your pov]

Look around trying to do anything to stop. No no no no! This is too much. Please stop! Stop! Your head started to become dizzy by how hard your gasps were. Your mouth was filling with the blood from your lip, your arms were scratched open from your nails digging into them, making your arms raw and sore, and it burns with every touch of your sweaty hands. You looked up, the sobs still not slowing down and your breaths becoming shorter and shorter.the lights made your eyes ache with a dull throb and all the white and blues in the room had your panicking. There was no window, the door was closed, making the room seem even smaller than it was. You couldn't focus, your mind was too busy replaying everything that had happened in your drea, every event that had gotten you hear. Even the happy memories of your childhood that evolved around Jin.

Your were so caught up, so distracted and distressed by the stupid panic, the anxiey; that you didn't even notice when the door opened.

"What the hell!? Y/n, are you okay!?" a voice asked. You then felt a hand on your shoulder, a tight warm grip.

Your mother. That was the first thing you thought of. Your mother was here, she was upset. She needed to teach you a lesson. That's the only thing that ran through your mind when you reacted.

You clamped your mouth shut with everything you had, hushing the loud and corrupted sobs, letting out muffled breaths and sniffles as you closed your eyes and tried to jump away from the touch. Flinching like no tomorrow, reacting as if a train were about to hit you. You ended up falling off the side of the bed with a sobbing whimper of, "don't.." and then onto some of the equipment, creating somewhat of a crash and thud. You didn't even try to pick it up and you didn't try to get away, you just sat there crying and shaking and hardly breathing. Snot and tears and blood and drool, all over you as you put your hands above your head to protect yourself.

"I'm sorry!" you whimpered, "Im sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry...." you repeated. The only thing in your mind was your mother's hand, her getting ready to punch you, to kick you, you readied yourself for more pain and tears from what she would say.

"Hey...." Bakugou said in shock. The only thing in his mind was that he was the one that just made you flinch, he was the one that just made you relive something he had no background on.

Why had he touched you? Such an idiot. He knew what this was all to well. He knew how a sudden touch can trigger such fear and PTSD in a person...

"Hey!" he said louder, "It's okay. It's okay," he said comfortingly as he walked around the bed to your shivering form, moving some of the equipment and monitors out of his path. You weren't listening. You were to busy trying not to puke, the hot feeling traveling throughout your entire body, making your feel like you were going to over head, making your head throb with every movement you made.

"Hey, Y/n," he said, "You're okay! It's me." he said. Putting his hands gently on our arms.

You look up just barely being able to see his shape through your puffy and stinging eyes.

"Ba-Baku..." you couldn't speak, but you kept trying, but the words didn't come out fully, they didn't make sense. Bits and pieces of sobs flowed through the air and your voice became gurgled and distraught with shame and embarrassment of having Bakugou see you like this, which made you cry more, putting more intensity in our reasoning.

But it didn't even matter. You didn't know, but Bakugo knew this all too well. He knew what was happening, he knew what to do, and gave you a look that you coulndt see.

"Shhhh...." he hushed, "It's ok.." he said quietly, pulling you into his arms. He held you tight, giving you almost no room to keep shivering, keeping you still.

"Deep breaths," he encouraged, "focus on me, okay?" he began to breathe louder and pushed your head to his chest. You listened to him and tried to focus, closing your eyes and letting him embrace you.

"Try to match my breathing, Y/n.." he said holding you. You shook your head.

"I..I c-ca" you stumbled over your word again. Every time you opened your mouth, sobs came out instead of sentences.

"Yes you can.. Take your time, it's okay," he said. He massaged your shoulder gently with his thumb, letting his other arm rub your back. It was oddly comforting. It was a touch you didn't know. Something you never experienced.

You tried. You really did. You took a deep breath in when he did, letting it out only a small time before he exhaled. Your breath still staggered, but Bakugou kept his tone soft, his voice still gruff but quiet. He hushed you when you tried to talk, which only caused you to work yourself up again.

"Shhhh..." he was quiet, slightly rocking you in his hold, "My voice. Only focus on my voice, Y/n," he told you. He still held you close to him only reminding you to breathe, and telling you that it was okay. He told you random things, little stories and moments, just so you would hear his voice.

It was working. You don't know how, but it was. Your thoughts slowly started to collect themselves. Your breathing was slowly starting to become sturdy, still a hiccup every few breaths.

"Hey.. you're ok...I've got you," he says, "You're ok..."

Word count: 1985

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