Another ten facts

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Since my recent ten facts were the most popular chapter in the whole goddamn book I'm going to do another ten... if I can think of some...

1. I am and hope not to be in a relationship (fuck dat shit)

2. My favorite band is


3. I am allergic to chocolate

4. I sound like a dude.

5. I have blue-gold eyes (as in colour you shit for face)

6. My family hates me and mothers walk their children away from me (pfft pussies)

7. I ate a spider before (the ones you buy at the store that are in suckers yeah in Arizona)

8. I'm part German and part idiot

9.I wear all black all the time here's my schedule:

Summer: all black

Spring:all black

Winter: all black

Autumn: all black (hoodies as well)

10. Idk... I guess... oh I know... I have a German shepherd her name's Annie bell and I want to murder because she has eaten several of my ear buds *plots revenge*


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