Chapter 1

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Voldemort: the evil wizard lol

Death eaters: Voldemort's followers
Hogwarts: school for witches and wizards

Mudblood: a derogative term for witches and wizards who are born in non-witch and wizards family's

Pure bloods: witches or wizards who are born in fully witch and wizard family's

Muggles: non magical beings

Floo powder: transportation through chimneys

Rons siblings: Ginny, Fred and George (who are twins), Percy, Bill, and Charlie

Dumbledore: The Hogwarts school master

The Ministry: a witch and wizard's ministry

Sirius Black: Harry's godfather who is on the run for something he was framed for.

Ron's POV

Ron Weasley paced around the kitchen waiting for pig (his owl) to arrive after the letter he sent Harry.

"what if the muggles don't let him come?" Ron said looking at Hermione who was sitting in one of the Kitchen tables reading a REALLY big book. Where did she even manage to fit all those books? Ron thought.

"oh he'll come" said Fred entering the kitchen along with George.

"and if they don't let him we'll just bust him out like last time" said George, and at this Hermione finally lifted her nose out of that book.

"what?!" she said.

"no one is busting anyone out of anywhere. I'm sure the Dursley's are reasonable people, how could they not let Harry go to the most important quidditch game of all time!" said Mr. Weasly looking up from his newspaper. There was a silence of agreement after.

"what happened last time?" Hermione whispered to Ron but before he could respond their owl burst through the window. All eyes were on the owl as he struggled to drop two letters on the table. Ron rushed to grab the first one he could get his hands and his eyes widened.

"it's from Harry" he said.

"well go on open it" said Hermione so he did.

Ron, it's all OK, the muggles say I can come.

See you five o'clock tomorrow. Can't wait.


"they let him" said Ron, and most of them sighted in relief.

"see you had nothing to worry about Ron" said Hermione, now looking back at her book. And she was right of course, she always was.

"dammit I kind of wanted to break him out to use the car again" he thought he heard Fred and George say as they left the kitchen.

Ron had almost forgotten there was a second letter, so he lifted it into his hands. It was for Hermione Granger, from Anadil Brooks.

"this one's for you" said Ron handing the letter to Hermione, she took it and a slight smile played on her lips as she read who it was from and started opening it. And Ron felt a little confused for a moment.

"Wait, don't you hate Anadil?" said Ron.

"no" she said while reading the letter.

"it's her friend that I don't like, Hester. And I don't even hate her, she hates me! It would only seem logical for me not to like her"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2021 ⏰

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